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This project is meant for sending licence updates to HMRC and receiving usage reporting. Information like licence updates and usage are exchanged as mail attachment between Lite and HMRC

We currently use Celery to manage tasks;

  • a celery container is running by default when using docker-compose.
  • If a working copy "on the metal" without docker, run celery with watchmedo auto-restart -d . -R -p '*.py' -- celery -A conf worker -l info

The entry point for configuring the tasks is defined here: lite-hmrc/mail/

Build and Run

An .env file is expected at the root of project.

To make setup easy for those running in Docker there is a docker.env file provided which you can use in place of the local.env if you prefer.

Copy the template .env file: cp local.env .env

Or alternatively on Docker: cp docker.env .env

Copy the template local_settings.sample if required: cp local_settings.sample

if using remember to add this to your .env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=local_settings

Running in Docker

To run in docker do the following

  • Set up a .env file using docker.env as starting point (all the config given in docker.env should be sufficient to run containers and run tests)
  • Start the containers: docker-compose up --build
  • Initial setup (run once):
    • Run migrations: make migrate
    • Create super user: make createsuperuser

Running locally

  • Configure .env file - Using local.env as a starting point:
  • You may need to acquire additional credentials from Vault
  • To build and run a local Postfix mail server
  • To initialise database: PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=.env pipenv run ./ migrate
  • To create database superuser PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=.env pipenv run ./ createsuperuser
  • To start the application: PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=.env pipenv run ./ runserver
  • To start the task runner: PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=.env pipenv run ./ process_tasks --log-std
  • check out mailserver to a local folder has the same parent folder of this repo
  • docker-compose up --build -d

To check either setup is working correctly navigate to the following url: http://localhost:8000/healthcheck/


Tests are located in mail/tests.

To run the tests in a container:

  • Ensure correct environment variables are set (see Running in Docker section)
  • Run the containers (to ensure MailHog is running): docker-compose up
  • Run this command: make test-in

To run the tests locally:

  • Ensure correct environment variables are set (see Running locally section)
  • Run this command: make test

NOTE: A task manager needs to be running locally if you are running E2E tests or similar. Check Procfile

The tests require a live postgres server. They will create a database called test_postgres as part of the test run.

You may encounter AssertionError: database connection isn't set to UTC when running. To work around this set USE_TZ = False in conf/

Sending sample emails to a lite-hmrc environment

We may want to build confidence that new changes to the codebase will work as expected on deployment to production. Our test suite goes some way to building this confidence, but it may be desirable to send sample EDI data emails through to a specific lite-hmrc environment. e.g. sending to an environment that has a feature branch deployed.

To aid this, a management command exists; which is capable of sending lite-hmrc formatted emails. Details of how this should be used are present in the help text for the command.


  • Code formatting and conventions

Black and isort are used in this project to enforce a consistent code style.

Apply formatting:

pipenv run black .
pipenv run isort .

Check formatting:

pipenv run black --check .
pipenv run isort --check --diff .
  • Code analysis tool

The tool prospector is used. To run it pipenv run prospector .

  • Security and vulnerability linter

The tool 'bandit' is used. To run it pipenv run bandit -r .

Git Hub pre-commit setup

  • Install pre-commit (e.g MAC pip install pre-commit)
  • pre-commit install
  • run following to scan all files for issues
    • pre-commit run --all-files

Mailbox authentication

To authenticate with the mailboxes we have two separate authentication mechanisms

Basic authentication

This authenticates using a username and password directly with the POP service.

Modern authentication

For MS mailboxes the basic authentication is/has been removed as of 1st October 2022 and so we need to use modern authentication when accessing POP and SMTP accounts.

This uses OAuth and the full documentation is

The credentials need to be obtained from SRE who will provide them to you for the mailbox accounts that you require access to. We cannot do this ourselves as they are provided from the Azure infrastructure which we don't have access to.