Tiny lib to show "Rate my app" alert for macOS and iOS apps.
iOS(?), MacOS(>=12)
- Ability to set minimal amount of app launches before yout app perform request to rate your app
- --//-- minimum days of usage --//--
- Do not ask to rate your app if this version already was rated by user
- Ability to open standard "Rate Me" alert OR open "Rate me" popup inside of AppStore window
- Ability to work with custom View logic like "Show "Rate my app" button only if rate is needed"
- Ability to set additional custom rules for "rate is needed" state :)
//init custom AppDelegate
import SwiftUI
struct FocusitoApp: App {
@NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
var body: some Scene {
//init AppRater on DidFinishLaunching
inside of AppDelegate
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
static var shared: AppDelegate!
var appRater: IAppRater!
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
AppDelegate.shared = self
// if we do not need custom display alert logic
//appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 10,
// minDays: 15,
// rateWndType: .standardAlert
// if we need custom display logic
appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 10,
minDays: 15,
other: { _ in Stats.shared.sessions.count > 100 },
rateWndType: .standardAlert
// if we need to show request on app run:
// appRater.requestIfNeeded()
// and other code does not needed
// We can locate button to open some panel
struct MainView : View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
if AppDelegate.shared.appRater.isNeededToRate() {
Button("Rate my app") { model.showBottomPanel.toggle() }
// We can locate button to show "Rate my app" alert
struct MainView : View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
if AppDelegate.shared.appRater.isNeededToRate() {
Button("Rate my app") { AppDelegate.shared.appRater.requestIfNeeded() }
// We can open standard OS's alert
// Or we can call appStore's alert "Rate my app"
appRater = IAppRater(...., rateWndType: .appStoreWnd(appId: "1473808464") )
appRater = IAppRater(minLaunches: 2,
minDays: 2,
other: { me in // 0
(MainViewModel.shared.appState == .Idle || MainViewModel.shared.appState == .Paused) && // 1
Stats.shared.sessions.map{ $0.duration }.sum() > TimeInterval(hrs: 5) && // 2
me.lastReviewDate == nil // 3
rateWndType: .appStoreWnd(appId: "1473808464")
- min app launches = 2
- min days after first app launch = 3
- 0 - me = input of IAppRater's "self" for using some properties if needed for some custom purposes with them
- 1 - if application state is .idle or .paused
- 2 - if some sessions duration is larger than 5 hrs
- 3 - if user have never did rate the app. But if he is rated at least once - never show "rate app" button to user
Mariupol city before Russia invasion (2021):
Mariupol city after Russia invasion (2022):
( ruined almost all infrastructure )
Russia destroyed Kakhovka Dam in the early hours of 6 June 2023 in Kherson Oblast. This was the second-largest reservoir in Ukraine by area (2,155 km2 [832 sq mi]) and the largest by water volume (18.19 km3 [4.36 cu mi]). According to Ukrainian military intelligence, Russian forces carried out "major mining" of the Kakhovka dam shortly after taking control in February 2022, and in April 2022 mined locks and supports and installed "tented trucks with explosives on the dam itself". In October 2022, the Foreign Minister of Moldova, Nicu Popescu, said that Ukraine had intercepted Russian missiles targeting a different dam, on the Dniester river. At the time, Ukrainian president Zelenskyy warned of Russian preparations to destroy the Kakhovka dam and blame Ukraine, and called for an international observation mission at the dam to prevent a potential catastrophe.
This reservoir could have provided all people on the planet with fresh water for more than 2 years. And this water was lost.
Not to mention the flooded residential areas and the environmental disaster caused by the washing away of cemeteries and desalination of water in the Black Sea.