To add content, modify the file
To change the list of people, modify the file people.yml
To add or remove references, simply edit references.bib
To develop locally this website, you need to install dependencies first:
sudo apt install ruby-full
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/bin >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
gem install jekyll bundler github-pages
Then, to have a local web server, run:
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
If the member that created the deployment token leaves the ulaval-damas organization, it can break the Travis deployment. A new token needs to be generated. Here are the steps generated a new token:
- Create a new Github Personal Access Token.
- Go to the
- Delete the old environment variable
- Add a new environment variable with key
and paste your newly generated token in the value field.
At, you need to set the environment variables FSG_USERNAME
to deploy to the samba server of the FSG.