Virtspace is a Web Based Management tool created for Linux KVM Administration with PHP-Libvirt and MongoDB
The Virtspace provides an web based linux KVM administration system to allow administrators to easily manage virtual machines, kvm servers, storages, virtual and bridge networks. Virtspace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
Virtspace was written in PHP, It requires PHP 4 and above, libvirt library for php and MongoDB as backend database.
- Features ===========
Standard and enhanced features from Virtspace includes:
- Super admin user level with full access.
- Domain live and offline migration, with central storage.
- Domain modification, adding removing network, virtual drives, snapshots.
- JQuery Datatable throughout for quick in browser searching and pagination.
- Predefine templates help for creating new domain very quickly.
- LVM, Ceph, Glusterfs and any Directory based storage supported.
- Image cloning within storage and outside of the storage.
- Virtual networking with (Nat, Static and Routing) fully supported.
- Virtual machine searching.
- Screenshots ==============
Here is some screenshots of Virtspace
- Login Page
- Servers List
- New Virtual Machine
- Distributions List
- How to Install =================
For any bug Report or suggesions: Please email me [email protected]