This is a command line tool for the DRACOON provisioning API built in Rust with:
- dco3 (DRACOON API)
- clap
- keyring
DRACOON is a cloud storage product / service (SaaS) by DRACOON GmbH ( DRACOON API documentation can be found here (Swagger UI):
The provisioning API allows to create customers within a tenant.
To get going, either get a compiled binary for your OS or compile it from source.
- Compiled binaries:
- Compile from source: To compile from source, git clone this repo and run
cargo build --release
You need to install Rust in order to build dcprov.
There's no installation - just move the binary into your standard path for binaries e.g. /usr/local/bin
or add the
path where you have the binary to Path (e.g. Windows).
The tool is fairly simple to use via commandline and comes with the following commands:
- list – list all available customers
- get – get a single customer by id
- update – update a single customer by id
- delete – delete a single customer by id
- config – configure (set, get or remove) token (secure storage: keytar bindings)
- get-users - get all users for a customer by id
- get-attributes - get all attributes for a customer by id
- set-attributes - set attribute(s) for a customer by id
Example usage in Linux / MacOS:
dcprov list
Example usage in Windows:
dcprov.exe list
If no token has been stored, the tool will provide a prompt to store credentials securely:
- Windows: Windows credentials vault
- MacOS: Keychain
- Linux: lib-secret (needs to be installed!)
If you use a system that does not allow storage (e.g. headless Linux), you can pass the token via parameter:
# can be any command
dcprov list --token $yourSecretToken
You can pass any API parameters like
- offset
- limit
- filter
- sort
To do so, use either the short or long version, example for a filter:
# short version for filter
dcprov list -f companyName:cn:DRACOON
# long version for sort (sorts by company name in alphabetical order)
dcprov list --sort companyName:asc
By default, the output is "pretty printed" to stdout. If required, the output can be formatted as CSV by passing the csv flag:
# example exporting the output in csv format to a file
dcprov list --csv > ./customers.csv
If you need all customers at once, use the the all flag:
dcprov list --all --csv > ./customers.csv
To list the info of a single customer, use the get command with the corresponding id:
dcprov get 999
If you don't know the id, search for the id with the list command and filter e.g. via company name (see example above for filter).
To create a new customer, there are two supported ways:
- Create from file (JSON)
- Interactive prompt (local users only)
To create a customer from a file, use the following command:
dcprov create from-file ./test.json
To create a customer from the prompt, use the following command:
dcprov create prompt
To update a customer, specify the supported update command (command in parenthesis):
- maximum quota (quota-max)
- maximum users (user-max)
- company name (company-name)
Use the following command to update (example updating user max to 1000):
dcprov update 999 user-max 1000
Example to update quota max (in bytes!):
dcprov update 999 quota-max 1000000000
Example to update the company name:
dcprov update 999 company-name "DRACOON TEST"
To delete a single customer, provide the id with the following command:
dcprov delete 999
In order to perform any requests, you will need to enter the X-SDS-Service-Token.
To store a token, use the set command:
dcprov config set your-very-secret-token
The token will be stored securely based on your OS (keytar bindings).
To print a token to screen, use the get command:
dcprov config get
The token will be fetched from the secure storage and printed to screen – the command can be used as well to check, if a token is stored for a given domain.
To delete, use the delete command:
dcprov config delete
The token will be removed from the secure storage.
As with listing customers, you can pass any parameters (filter, sort, offset, limit) and can select which output should be generated for the user list.
Example filtering for a specific user with a login "dracoonhero":
dcprov get-users 999 --filter userName:cn:dracoonhero
Example storing the user list in a CSV:
dcprov get-users 999 --csv > customer_999_users.csv
You can also list all customer attributes with the get-attributes command.
Example filtering for a specific key with name "dracoon_id":
dcprov get-attributes 999 --filter key:eq:dracoon_id
Example storing the attributes list in a CSV:
dcprov get-attributes 999 --csv > customer_999_attribs.csv
You can set multiple attributes with the set-attributes command.
Example setting multiple key-value pairs (-a required for each attribute!):
dcprov set-attributes 999 --csv -a key1=value1 -a key2=value2 -a key3=value3