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Underthesea 1.1.4

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@rain1024 rain1024 released this 12 Sep 12:10

✨ Major Features and Improvements

  • NEW: Implement a Vietnamese text classification using fasttext #118

πŸ”΄ Bug fixes

  • Fix issue in Text wrapper function

πŸ—Ž Documentation and examples

πŸ”Š Release Notes

The main feature in this release is text classification. We experiments some standard classifiers (Naive Bayes, SVM family, xgboost) and a trendy classifier fasttext in very large Vietnamse news data set (30k sentences). The winner is fasttext because it's very fast and yeild best accuracy and f1 score. For more information about classification experiments, follow the this link to its own repository.

We're afraid that we can't support one line install due to many dependencies come with v1.1.4 (fasttext, sklearn). Other reason is we want to separate models and code. So after install underthesea, you must do a small step is download models. Check out how to make underthesea works with four lines in Installation section here.

See you next release!