In order to implement the full spec storage access rules and opcode banning, it must run against a Geth compatible node which supports debug_traceCall.
- Due to EIP155 protection, you need to deploy determistic-deployer contract yourself and set it with env (obviously not "determistic" anymore). Or you can run node with
to skip the fixes
u2u attach
`tx = web3.u2u.sendTransaction({from: '0x239fa7623354ec26520de878b52f13fe84b06971', data: '0x604580600e600039806000f350fe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3'});`
`web3.u2u.sendTransaction({from: '0x239fa7623354ec26520de878b52f13fe84b06971', to: '0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266', value: 1000e18});`
export LOCAL=1 DEPLOYER=0x
- Deploy entryPoint
yarn hardhat-deploy --network localhost
- Update
with newly deployed entryPoint
- Run bundler
yarn bundler --unsafe --show-stack-traces
- And tests
yarn runop --deployFactory --network --mnemonic key.txt --nonce 10001 --entryPoint 0x