simple game engine written in javascript for web games.
- what is this project?
- Future plans:
- First Setup
- add properties
- add skin
- render player
- setting up player with controls.
- Enemy Handling
this is a javascript game engine. my goal with this project is to improve my skills in web development with a strong focus on javascript.
a list of ideas and future plans. what i plan to implement/improve.
last Updated 2016-07-26
- Priortized List.
I've attached some startup files. index.html is the main one you need to worry about, I encourage you to use a seperate script file for easy management.
to first setup your game:-
var g = new Game("idOfPlayfield")
You need to tell the object what the name of your game field is. you refer to it via a id attached to the element.
g.gameName = "myGamesName"
There are many core methods to customize your game(will be covered in the future) but you can also create your own methods ofc.