The goal of cryptostalker is to detect crypto ransomware. The mechanism it uses to do this is by recognizing new files that are created on the file system and trying to ascertain whether they are encrypted.
This project is a port of the original randumb project that was written in python for linux using inotify.
When cryptostalker runs, it places a recursive file system watch on the path specified with the --path
command line flag.
Whenever a new file is created, it is inspected for randomness via the randumb library. If it is deemed random, and within the --window
and --count
parameters, a message will be output saying that a suspicious file is found. This is possibly indicative of a newly-placed encrypted file somewhere on the filesystem under the --path
If the --stopAge
command line flag is specified, any new process created within stopAge
seconds of an encrypted file being detected will be terminated. The idea is to stop processes that might be responsible for performing the file encryption. This is a powerful, yet dangerous feature.
Ideally, suspicious processes will be issued an interrupt, so they'd just be paused, while the user or system log is notified and you can recover any legitimate processes. Due to a limitation in golang for Windows, an interrupt can't be sent to processes; only a kill may be sent. When stopAge
is implemented for other operating systems, it will be implemented with the interrupt functionality, not kill.
These steps will set up a temporary workspace and install cryptostalker to it
$ source /path/to/repo/
Copy and paste these commands:
export GOPATH=$path
export GOBIN=$path/bin
mkdir -p $path/src
cd $path/src
go get
go install
echo -e 'Now you can run:\n $GOBIN/cryptostalker --path=/tmp'
# This will print out a line if even one encrypted file is seen anywhere under $HOME
$ cryptostalker --path=$HOME
# This will kill processes seen starting up 60 seconds before the encrypted file(s) are seen
$ cryptostalker --path=$HOME --stopAge=60
# For performance reasons, sleep for 100 ms after checking each file for randomness
$ cryptostalker --path=$HOME --sleep=100
# This will call a script (see contrib/scripts directory) when an encrypted file is seen anywhere under $HOME
$ cryptostalker --path=$HOME --script=/usr/local/bin/
- Linux
- Windows
- jigsaw
- Sample was detected encrypting files and terminated with the --stopAge=60
- Need more tests...
- use your existing GPG key or create a new one
- cryptostalker watches a directory (e.g.
$ for i in {1..200}; do dmesg > /tmp/$i.txt; done # fill data into some files
$ for i in {1..200}; do gpg --out /tmp/$i.crypt --recipient $gpg-key-id --encrypt /tmp/$i.txt; done
This should result in something like:
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Suspicious file: /tmp/test/70.crypt
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Suspicious file: /tmp/test/131.crypt
YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Suspicious file: /tmp/test/165.crypt
The file notification mechanism is Google's fsnotify. Since it doesn't use the linux-specific inotify, cryptostalker currently relies on notifications of new files. So random/encrypted files will only be detected if they belong to new inodes. This means it wont catch the following case: a file is opened, truncated, and only then filled in with encrypted content. Fortunately, this is not how most malware works.
There are no known bugs. But there are design choices that render the current version of cryptostalker circumventable if the malware author knows what to look for. If you're interested in discussing bypasses, we can chat directly. I'm not interested in making it easier to discover than it already is :)