This library is a part of Unrust, a pure rust native/wasm game engine. This library provides a glsl es 2.0 spec parser, which allow unrust to be able to write GLSL that works for both native and wasm, by support #if, #else #end, #define #include preprocesser in glsl.
This project is under heavily development, all api are very unstable until version 0.2
extern crate uni_glsl;
use uni_glsl::preprocessor;
use uni_glsl::parser;
use uni_glsl::TypeQualifier;
use uni_glsl::BasicType;
// There are some helper query functions in this module
use uni_glsl::query::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn test_vs() {
let test_text = include_str!("../data/test/phong_vs.glsl");
let mut predefs = HashMap::new();
predefs.insert("GL_ES".into(), "".into());
let preprocessed: String = preprocessor::preprocess(test_text, &predefs, &HashMap::new()).unwrap();
let unit = parser::parse(&preprocessed).unwrap();
assert_eq!(unit.func_defs.len(), 1);
let main = &unit.func_defs[0];
assert_eq!(, "main");
// you can query decl by name and chain to is something.
// currently suppoer enun:
// TypeQualifier
let attr_opt = unit.query_decl("aVertexPosition")
// Some helper function from query trait
let attr = attr_opt.unwrap();
assert!(*attr.actual_type().unwrap() == BasicType::Vec3);
// Or you can search for all
let decls = unit.query_decl_all(TypeQualifier::Uniform);
assert_eq!(decls.len(), 4);