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Write a kernel in Kotlin, run some magic and voilà. A freshly baked kernel wrapper ready to be executed.

This is a proof of concept to provide a way to write Cuda kernels in Kotlin. The Kotlin code is transpiled from Kotlin into CPP/Cuda source code. That code is then compiled to a ptx file with nvcc to be executed.

Hello Kuda

First, define a kernel class with the @Kernel annotation. Only supports 1 @Kernel per file.

Declare a global function with the @Global annotation. Only supports 1 @Global per kernel.

class SaxpySample: KudaContext() {
  fun saxpy(n: Int, a: Float, x: FloatArray, @Return y: FloatArray) {
    val i: Int = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
    if (i < n) y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]

Run some generator magic. This is currently achieved as a gradle task. Have a look at the sample project, kuda task for details.

After code generation, a kernel call wrapper is available.

fun main() {
  val saxpy = SaxpySampleWrapper()
  val a = 0.5f
  val x = FloatArray(116) { it.toFloat() }
  val y = FloatArray(116) { -1.0f }
  val res = saxpy(KernelParameters.for1D(x.size), 10, a, x, y)

All the boilerplate code is in the wrapper. This uses jCuda to forward the kernel call to the graphics card.


#⚠ Very experimental.

Currently supports some basic C-like operations with a lot of restrictions.

Anything going beyond the simple examples shown here would require a lot of parsing and processing, or a lot of manual implementation to achieve anything remotely useful (complete math lib, most used Cuda functions).

Kotlin data types are mapped to their C equivalent according to the following table.

Kotlin C++
Byte char
Short short
Int int
Long long
Float float
Double double
BooleanArray Not supported1
ByteArray char *
ShortArray short *
IntArray int *
LongArray long *
FloatArray float *
DoubleArray double *

Uses kotlin 1.3 experimental unsigned types.

Casts are supported with the variable.toXxx() kotlin cast notation for all primitives types expect between float and unsigned types as Kotlin doesn't propose it.

Tested operators are


  • +
  • + unary
  • -
  • - unary
  • * multiplication
  • /
  • %
  • ++ prefixed
  • -- prefixed
  • ++ postfixed
  • -- postfixed


  • ( ) priority, not function call
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=


  • &&
  • ||
  • !


  • &
  • |
  • ^
Kotlin C++
and &
or |
xor ^
  • while
  • if

for is explicitly not supported as the syntax are very different. While will do the job just fine.

Supports C matrix notation int [][] foo and int ** foo with nested arrays: val foo: Array<IntArray> only inside the kernel. Passing such arguments via the wrapper is not supported.


A lot... ʘ︵ʘ

No chars translation

No conversion for Chars and CharArrays.

Variable names are completely unchecked.

Don't use a valid variable kotlin name which is a C++ keyword, such as extern, bool, unsigned, ...

Names are not resolved. Use threadIdx.x, not KudaContext.threadIdx.x.

Kotlin types are converted by name (java.lang.Class.getSimpleName). Using a class named BoolArray will make it translated to bool * whichever package it comes from.

No type inference

val b = true will not work. Use explicit types val b:Boolean = true

For loop

No support for for(x in xs) { ... }

Cuda functions calls

None so far.


Not tested

Function parameters

Kotlin forbids the reassignment of function parameters. Either redeclare the variable, or use a 1 element array.

Function calls

Limited to binary operators special cases


Lots of them in the code ! This is a section for TODOs which are not bound to a specific code location

More samples

Grab all the nVidia doc and try their samples

Gradle plugin

Formalize the code generator kuda task as gradle plugin.

OSX/Windows adaptations

Especially check for paths validity. The rest should be handled by the libs.

Cuda headers and function import

Propose placeholders for all the Cuda functions.

Data classes

Map C struct to kotlin data classes


val i:Long = 1
val j:Int = i.toInt()

Should be translated as

long i = 1
int j = (int) i

Same for toFloat, toDouble, ...

Automatic initialization

In Kotlin/Java int, double... have initial values. Also init these values in C.

Multidimensional array passing via wrapper




Write your kernels in C, with the true Cuda API and call them from the JVM.



Kuda is not translating from bytecode to cuda. It's source to source.

For a bytecode to kernel approach, you may have a look at aparapi which provides such a mechanism for OpenCL.



LWJGL openGL wrappers

Here be dragons

Attempting to provide the cuda basing math operations turned to be much harder than anticipated. All the functions are declared in CPP headers. These headers use non trivial templates and macros which makes the parsing of these headers either incomplete or very hard with the tools/knowledge I have (ANTLR, beginner CPP experience).

To anyone who may what to do something similar to this project and what to go further, have a look at CPP headers parsing, the way variables are passed as pointers, how functions are declared for both the device and the host.

There are challenges to overcome in these areas to make kotlin a real alternative to writing C++ for Cuda.


  1. The size of a Boolean is JVM implementation dependant and JCuda doesn't offer a way to get a boolean's size nor pointer to a boolean array. As a workaround, use any of the integer types.


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