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Jing Lu edited this page Jun 19, 2013 · 24 revisions

ReoScript is JavaScript-like script language engine implemented in C#. .Net Application integrated with ReoScript engine to be available to run scripts like VBA in Excel.

Although ReoScript was designed and implemented according to Standard ECMAScript/JavaScript as much as possible, there is something difference between JavaScript and ReoScript. See What's the difference between JavaScript and ReoScript.

Application integrating with ReoScript engine will be able to do:

  • Run script language
  • Extending script language (adding own function, object type, etc...)
  • Easy to custom work flow by writing scripts
  • Provide an ability for your user to write scripts
  • Implement partial feature of entire application in script (dynamic, no need compilation)

Example of script language

console.log('hello world');          // output 'hello world' into console
alert('hello world');                // show a message box that displays 'hello world'

var myMail = {
   to      : '[email protected]',
   cc      : '[email protected]',
   subject : 'hello world',
   body    : 'mail from script',
send_mail(myMail);                   // call a custom function to send mail


ReoScript contains the following components:

  • ReoScript Core (Unvell.ReoScript.dll)
  • ReoScript Editor (Unvell.ReoScriptEditor.dll)
  • ReoScript Console Runner (ReoScript.exe)

ReoScript Core

ReoScript Core is main module and script engine of ReoScript which contains:

  • ScriptRunningMachine The class of run-time engine to run and manage scripts
  • ScriptDebugger A debugger used to debug ReoScript
  • Lexer and Parser implemented using ANTLR 3
  • Core Script Library Some core script library supported by ReoScript Core
    • - Core scripts (defining Math.PI and etc.)
    • - Debugger scripts (defining debug.assert and etc.)
    • - Linq-like array collection script library (defining Array.where and etc.)

If you just need to run script without ReoScript Editor, you could only import Unvell.ReoScript.dll.

ReoScript Editor

A built-in GUI editor can be used to edit, run or debug script. ReoScript Editor implemented based on FastColoredTextBox with syntax-highlight, auto-indent and etc.

ReoScript Console Runner

A comand shell script runner to run script in Windows Console. See more about Console Runner.

Integrate with your application

ReoScript runs specified scripts from string, file or other source that could be specified by your application. See How to integrate ReoScript in your application.