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Accessing the Lab Machines

Max Svetlik edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 17 revisions

The BWI Lab Machines are managed in-lab, and are not part of the cs main network. As such, your CS lab machine credentials will not work on the BWI lab machines. Please see Requesting Credentials. Once you have credentials, they will work on all BWI Lab Machines.


  1. The Lab Machines are NOT to be rebooted or shutdown. They are all encrypted and a password is required to boot the machines up. This password must be entered in-person. Thus, if a machine is shut down, expect delays, since access will be cut off until a lab member is on-site.

  2. Do not make global changes to packages. This means changes to common (i.e. all users depend or use them) packages such as opencv cuda drivers of any kind python, etc. If you need to make these changes for your own use, the correct way to do it is to make the change for your-user only. This can be done by installing new packages to ~/.local and adding them to your $PATH manually.

Lab Machine Description

We have several 'classes' of Lab Machine. There are all accessible as public hostnames at


kif, zapp, hynotoad, nibbler


ozil, modric, rodriguez, lukaku, kane

Deep Learning Nodes


Note: Access to these are further restricted. You need additional approval and credentials to access these machines.

Remote Access

There are two ways to access the lab machines remotely- secure shell and TeamViewer.


You can ssh into any of the lab machines by using it's public address, e.g.

SSH access is restricted to those on the UT network or those that have their private keys installed on the host. In either case, you will need to get onto the UT VPN (either for access, or to initially install your keys). You can read more about this here.


You can also access these machines via TeamViewer. The IDs for each machine are listed below:

Modric 1 585 315 477

Lukaku 1 705 377 095

Rodriguez 1 703 907 273

Kane 1 701 853 002

Kif 1 705 387 455

Zapp 1 688 158 079

Hynotoad 1 696 709 067

Nibbler 1 912 631 547

Ozil 1 696 743 360

DrPerceptron 1 519 609 655

Requesting Credentials


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