- Additional functionality for Pytorch Lightning
- Now you can directly do a pip install
- pip install lightningaddon
- Please check DOCUMENTATION
- For some useful functions check use
- The documentation is in progress and of course, many more features are on the way.
- compose multiple functions on data
- time any function
- parallelly run any function on a list
- download from url
- model vis using hiddenlayer
- clear gpu memory easily
- flatten
- get a histogram
- find modules with a condition
- check if linear layer
- seed everything
- freeze/unfreeze parts of a model
- count paramemeters and display tables
- count paramemeter state (frozen/unfrozen)
- easy pil<->tensor
- open image -> resize -> convert to tensor
- xresnet (all variants)
- PyTorchLightning. (This will install pretty much everything else)
- einops
- Why? - Well, lightning is an awesome library but there are some things I wanted globally so I decided to make an "Add Ons" package.
- Why not contribute instead? - I might once this package does significant extra stuff
- A huge thank you to Jeremy Howard and fastai. Many of these tricks are inspired by the amazing work done there.