Prescripto is a full-stack web application designed to make healthcare more accessible by simplifying the process of booking doctor appointments. It offers three levels of login: Patient, Doctor, and Admin, each with distinct features tailored to their roles. The app integrates online payment gateways (Stripe and Razorpay) to facilitate seamless and secure payments. Built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js), Prescripto provides an efficient, user-friendly experience for both patients and healthcare providers.
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Payment Gateways: Stripe, Razorpay
- Authentication: JSON Web Token (JWT)
Patient Login:
- Patients can sign up, log in, and book appointments with doctors.
- Manage appointments (view, cancel, or reschedule).
- Secure online payment options available (cash, Stripe, Razorpay).
- User profile with editable information (name, email, address, gender, birthday, profile picture).
Doctor Login:
- Doctors can log in and manage appointments.
- Dashboard displays earnings, number of patients, number of appointments, and latest bookings.
- Update profile details (description, fees, address, availability status).
- View appointment details (patient info, payment mode, appointment status).
Admin Login:
- Admins can create and manage doctor profiles.
- Dashboard with analytics: total doctors, total appointments, total patients, and recent bookings.
- Add new doctors (image, specialty, degree, experience, address, fees, etc.).
- View and manage all appointments (cancel or mark as completed).
- Features a user-friendly layout where users can:
- Search for doctors based on specialties.
- View top doctors and their profiles.
- Explore additional sections: About Us, Delivery Information, Privacy Policy, and Get in Touch.
- Footer includes navigation links: Home, About Us, Delivery Info, Privacy Policy, Contact Us.
- Lists all available doctors.
- Users can filter doctors by specialty.
- Clicking on a doctor's profile redirects to the Doctor Appointment Page.
- Provides information about Prescripto’s vision and mission.
- Why Choose Us section highlights:
- Efficiency: Streamlined appointment process.
- Convenience: Online booking and payment.
- Personalization: Tailored experience based on user preferences.
- Footer section with additional links.
- Contains office address and contact details.
- Section to explore job opportunities.
- Footer navigation links.
- Displays detailed information about the selected doctor:
- Profile picture, qualification, experience, and a brief description.
- Appointment booking form: Choose date, time, and payment method.
- Online payment options: Cash, Stripe, or Razorpay.
- Related doctors section at the bottom.
- Users need to create an account or log in before booking an appointment.
- Accessible after login.
- Users can view and edit their profile:
- Upload profile picture.
- Update name, email, address, gender, and birthday.
- View list of upcoming and past appointments.
- Logout option available.
- Dashboard:
- Displays statistics: Number of doctors, appointments, patients, and latest bookings.
- Option to cancel bookings if needed.
- Add Doctor:
- Form to add a new doctor profile (image, specialty, email, password, degree, address, experience, fees, description).
- Doctor List:
- View all registered doctors with options to edit or delete profiles.
- Appointments:
- List of all appointments including patient name, age, date, time, doctor name, fees.
- Admin actions: Cancel or Mark as Completed.
- Earnings Overview:
- Total earnings from completed appointments.
- Appointments List:
- View detailed list of patient appointments (name, age, date, time, payment mode, status).
- Actions: Mark appointment as completed or Cancel appointment.
- Profile Management:
- Doctors can update their profile information, including description, fees, address, and availability status.
- Supports multiple payment methods:
- Cash Payment
- Stripe Integration
- Razorpay Integration
- Ensures a secure and smooth payment experience for users.
To set up and run this project locally:
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd prescripto
Install Dependencies:
npm install cd client npm install
Environment Variables:
- Create a
file in the root directory and add the following:MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_connection_string JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret STRIPE_API_KEY=your_stripe_api_key RAZORPAY_API_KEY=your_razorpay_api_key
- Create a
Run the Application:
npm run dev
├── client/ # Frontend (React.js)
├── server/ # Backend (Node.js, Express.js)
├── models/ # MongoDB Schemas
├── controllers/ # API Controllers
├── routes/ # API Routes
├── middleware/ # Authentication and Error Handling
├── config/ # Configuration Files
├── utils/ # Utility Functions
├── public/ # Static Files
└── .env # Environment Variables
We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository, and open pull requests.
- Thanks to the developers and contributors of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Stripe, and Razorpay for their fantastic tools and libraries.