Migrator is a prototype for synthesizing database programs for schema refactoring.
- Yuepeng Wang, James Dong, Rushi Shah, Isil Dillig.
Synthesizing Database Programs for Schema Refactoring. PLDI 2019
- Java 8
- Ant 1.10.3
- Z3 4.8.5
Migrator can be built with Ant
ant jar
After building the tool, you can use Migrator in the following way
./migrator.sh -srcSchema <srcSchemaFile> -tgtSchema <tgtSchemaFile> -srcProg <srcProgFile> -output <outputFile> [optional arguments]
For example, you can try the following command in the root directory of this repo.
./migrator.sh -srcSchema benchmarks/bench1/src-schema.txt -tgtSchema benchmarks/bench1/tgt-schema.txt -srcProg benchmarks/bench1/src-prog.txt -output tgt-prog.txt
The tests of Migrator are built and executed with Ant
ant test