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rking edited this page Sep 11, 2012 · 3 revisions

Pry enters arena to compete with SLIME!

cd ~/.emacs.d
git clone
cat >> init.el <<EOT
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/ruby-dev.el" )
(autoload 'turn-on-ruby-dev "ruby-dev" nil t)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'turn-on-ruby-dev)
gem install pry yard

With those config lines above, whenever you edit some Ruby code (or M-x turn-on-ruby-dev), it will enable the ruby-dev minor mode.

Note that it is very new, so it might have some rough edges.

Evaluating Code

Starting simple, there's C-c C-s. Press that then say: 5+3.

In the minibuffer, at the bottom, you'll see an 8.

As soon as you do any code evaluation, a Ruby process will start inside Emacs with which the editor can communicate (via JSON).

Next, type:


Then hit C-c C-e (or C-x C-e ).

The parens are here because this will evaluate the "Ruby sexp" (the unit of which is visible by pressing C-M-b and C-M-f to hop around.)

Also possible is C-x C-b to evaluate the whole buffer, or C-x C-r to evaluate the marked region (e.g., marked with C-Space).

Entering the Pry REPL

Use C-c C-i (Ctrl+c, Tab) to enter a REPL session. (rking is having an issue with this where the buffer comes up empty. If you replicate, please let us know on Freenode #pry.)

Notice how the context of the evaluations from before are present in this session. This is because the process, ruby-dev, is the one that runs Pry.start. If for some reason you want to restart this process, you can run M-x ruby-dev

Hyperlinked ri Docs

C-c C-d to get an navigable ri interface!

Further documentation

To see all keybindings, do:

C-x C-h

To see info about the internal functions, try:

C-h a ruby-dev RET
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