Hello! And welcome to The New and Improved Threestrings REPO!
ThreeStrings is a discord bot than plays music into a voice channel using user inputed commands He was created using JDA Wrapper, LavaPlayer, and Duncte1234 Bot Commons!
List of things he can do: !ping: Shows bots current MS
!join: Joins the current voice channel of user who inputs command
!play: Plays a song from url or searches youtube for keyword and plays the top song
!playlist: Plays a playlist link, or searches youtube for keyword and creates playlist of the results
!shuffle: Shuffles the current playlist
!stop: Stops the current playing song
!skip: Skips the current playing song
!nowplaying: Shows the current song being played
!queue: Shows the queue of upcoming songs
!repeat: Enables Repeat mode and will repeat the current song until repeat mode is shut off
!leave: Leaves the current voice channel he is connected to
!pause: Pauses the current playing song
!unpause: If song is currently pause, unpauses
!dm: A list of Dungeons And Dragons Playlists
!capybara: Hmmm im not sure what this does?