#Description: This project is a PHP-based website which showcases four page replacement algorithms used in operating systems:
- First In First Out
- Least Recently Used
- Optimal Page Replacement and
- Least Frequently Used
#Pages: Home page has navigation bar to navigate to different pages on the website. It also has description of what paging and page replacement algorithms are. There are four other pages describing and simulating four page replacement algorithms. There is an about us page (about the creators of this website). And there is a feedback form to send us your valuable feedback.
#How to use? To see this website working on your device, you may install and setup xampp from https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html Then, download this project folder in xampp/htdocs/Operating-System-Simulator Then, start Apache in xampp and open the website in browser using path: localhost/Operating-System-Simulator And you're ready to view our website. Note: Since this website has not been hosted yet, we are using xampp to experience it in localhost.