Welcome to the HippoCookBook repository! The goal is to have a repo with all we need for ephys experiments and data analysis (session managments, spikes and LFP analysis, plotting and statistics). A repo to rule them all, One repo to find them, One repo to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. HippoCookBook is based originally in buzcode (https://github.com/buzsakilab/buzcode) and FMAToolbox (http://fmatoolbox.sourceforge.net/). IMPORTANT: everything is under collective development. If you find something that needs changing/adding, please open an issue and improve it (:
- https://github.com/petersenpeter/CellExplorer
- https://github.com/petersenpeter/KilosortWrapper
- https://github.com/cortex-lab/KiloSort
Includes Chronux (2.12) and CircStats.