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Data Liquidity Pool (DLP)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Flow
  4. Installation
  5. DLP Contracts

1. Introduction

Vana turns data into currency to push the frontiers of decentralized AI. It is a layer one blockchain designed for private, user-owned data. It allows users to collectively own, govern, and earn from the AI models trained on their data. For more context see this docs.

This repository is designed for DLP (Data Liquidity Pool) creators and developers who want to deploy a DLP and its associated DLP Token on the Vana blockchain. The code provided here serves as an example implementation of a DLP smart contract. It's important to note that this is just one possible implementation – developers are encouraged to customize this contract or create their own versions to suit their specific use cases. Whether you're looking to create a standard DLP or develop a highly customized one, this repo provides a template implementation.

2. Overview

The data registry contract functions as a central repository for managing all data within the network, functioning as a comprehensive file catalog. It allows users to add new files to the system, with each file receiving a unique identifier for future reference.

The contract manages access control for these files, enabling file owners to grant specific addresses permission to access their files. It also handles the storage of file metadata, including any offchain proofs or attestations related to file validation, which can include various metrics such as authenticity, ownership, and quality scores. Users can retrieve detailed information about any file in the registry using its unique identifier, including its permissions and associated proofs.

Moksha: 0xEA882bb75C54DE9A08bC46b46c396727B4BFe9a5

Satori: 0xEA882bb75C54DE9A08bC46b46c396727B4BFe9a5

The TEE Pool contract manages and coordinates the TEE Validators and serves as an escrow for holding fees associated with validation tasks. Users pay a fee to submit data for validation, and the contract ensures that the validators process the data and provide proof of validation.

Moksha: 0xF084Ca24B4E29Aa843898e0B12c465fAFD089965

Satori: 0xF084Ca24B4E29Aa843898e0B12c465fAFD089965

The DLP Root contract manages the registration and reward distribution for Data Liquidity Pools (DLPs) in the Vana ecosystem. It operates on an epoch-based system, where the top 16 most staked DLPs and their stakers receive rewards at the end of each epoch. The contract allows users to stake VANA tokens as guarantors for DLPs, with rewards distributed based on the staking position at the beginning of each epoch.

Moksha: 0xf408A064d640b620219F510963646Ed2bD5606BB

Satori: 0xf408A064d640b620219F510963646Ed2bD5606BB

A Data Liquidity Pool (DLP) is a core component of the Vana ecosystem, designed to transform raw data into a liquid asset. It functions as a smart contract on the Vana blockchain that allows users to monetize, control, and govern their data in a decentralized manner. Each DLP can have its own token, providing contributors with ongoing rewards and governance rights.

DataRegistry, TEEPool, and RootNetwork are part of the Vana core smart contracts and do not need to be deployed by DLP builders. For testing and integration, you should use the addresses deployed on Moksha. However, you will need to deploy your own Data Liquidity Pool & DLPToken (either the template version suggested by us or your own version). Keep in mind that to be part of the Vana ecosystem and qualify for the DLP rewards program, the DLP contract needs to be integrated with DataRegistry and RootNetwork as shown in the template in this repository.

3. Flow

Data Contributor Flow

The following describes the process of contributing data to a DLP from a user's perspective:

Bob wants to become a data contributor for DLP1. Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Bob uploads his file to the DataRegistry (a URL with encrypted data).

  2. Bob requests an attestation by adding a new job in the TeePool.

  3. TEE operators see Bob's job and create an attestation for that file based on the instructions required for validating the file in relation to DLP1.

  4. This proof is saved in the DataRegistry.

  5. Bob must grant access to the DLP to read the data (by encrypting the file with the specific masterKey of DLP1).

    This step can be done by Bob in the first step by passing the permission along with the file.

  6. After Bob's file receives the necessary attestation, he must inform DLP1 that he owns a file and a valid proof intended for this DLP. Bob will be automatically rewarded based on the score obtained from the attestation by the TEE operator.

This process ensures that data is securely contributed, validated, and rewarded within the Vana ecosystem.

To save Bob from paying transaction fees, the DLP can act as a proxy between Bob and the smart contracts. Bob provides the DLP app with the necessary information, and the DLP can perform all the required transactions on Bob's behalf. Bob remains the owner of the file and the recipient of the allocated reward.

It's important to emphasize that this is just an example of Bob's interaction with the smart contracts. In practice, there should be a user interface (UI) that comes packaged with these contracts to assist users. This UI would simplify the process for users, making it easier for them to interact with the DLP ecosystem without needing to directly interact with the smart contracts.

Reward distribution

The RootNetwork smart contract manages the reward distribution for Data Liquidity Pools (DLPs) in the Vana ecosystem. Here's a detailed explanation of how the reward system works:

DLP Registration and Staking

  1. Each DLP must register in the RootNetwork contract using the registerDLP method.
  2. During registration, the DLP specifies a stakersPercentage, which determines the proportion of rewards that will go to the DLP's stakers. The remainder goes to the DLP owner.


Epoch System

  • The RootNetwork operates on an epoch-based timeline (1 hour on moksha)

DLP Selection Process

  1. At the beginning of each epoch, the top 16 DLPs are selected based on their total staked amount.
  2. Only these 16 DLPs participate in that epoch.
  3. Other DLPs can compete for future epochs by accumulating more stakes.

Reward Distribution

  1. At the end of each epoch, rewards are distributed to the 16 participating DLPs based on their performance during the epoch.
  2. For each DLP:
    • A portion of the reward goes to the DLP owner.
    • The rest is reserved for the DLP's stakers (as per the stakersPercentage).
  3. Staker rewards are not distributed automatically; each staker must claim their rewards individually.

Data Contributor Rewards

  • Each DLP is responsible for rewarding its data contributors.
  • The method and currency for these rewards are at the discretion of each DLP.
  • In the DLP template from this repository:
    • The DLP uses its own currency for rewards.
    • Reward amount is proportional to the score of the uploaded file.
    • More details can be found in the specific DLP documentation.

Flexibility in Reward Mechanisms

  • DLPs can modify their reward mechanism for data contributors:
  • They may choose to use VANA tokens instead of a custom currency.
  • They could distribute part or all of the rewards received from the RootNetwork to data contributors.
  • More complex reward calculation mechanisms can be implemented.

Important Considerations

  • The selection of top DLPs occurs at the start of each epoch, so staking positions at that time are crucial.
  • Stakers should regularly check and claim their rewards to ensure they receive their share.
  • DLP owners should carefully consider their stakersPercentage to balance attracting stakers and maintaining profitability.
  • Data contributors should understand the specific reward mechanism of each DLP they contribute to.

This reward system incentivizes DLPs to perform well and attract stakers, while also providing flexibility in how they reward their data contributors. It creates a competitive ecosystem where DLPs strive for top positions to participate in epochs and earn rewards.

4. Installation

1. Environment Setup

Before deploying or interacting with the contracts, you need to set up your environment variables. Follow these steps:

  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
  • Open the .env file and update the following parameters:

DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY: The private key of the account that will deploy the contracts. Make sure to keep this private and never share it.

OWNER_ADDRESS: The Ethereum address that will be set as the owner of the deployed contracts. This address will have special privileges in the contracts.

DLP_NAME: The name of your Data Liquidity Pool. Choose a descriptive name for your DLP.

DLP_MASTER_KEY: A master key for your DLP. This is used for encryption purposes. Make sure to generate a strong, unique key.

DLP_TOKEN_NAME: The name of the token associated with your DLP. This will be visible in token listings.

DLP_TOKEN_SYMBOL: The symbol of your DLP token. This is typically a short, all-caps code.

DLP_FILE_REWARD_FACTOR: A factor used to calculate file rewards. This value determines the reward amount based on the file's score.

2. Install dependencies

yarn install

3. Run tests

  • DLP tests: npx hardhat test test/dlp.ts
  • DLPToken tests: npx hardhat test test/token.ts
  • all tests (including dependencies): npx hardhat test

4. Deploy your own Token & DLP

npx hardhat deploy --network moksha --tags DLPDeploy  

The deployment script will also verify the contract on blockscout.

5. Register your DLP on the RootNetwork

After deploying your DLP, you need to register it on the RootNetwork contract. This will allow your DLP to participate in the Vana ecosystem and receive rewards. To register your DLP, call the registerDlp function on the RootNetwork contract.

function registerDlp(
    address dlpAddress,
    address payable dlpOwnerAddress,
    uint256 stakersPercentage
) external payable
- `dlpAddress`: The address of your DLP contract
- `dlpOwnerAddress`: The address that will be set as the owner of the DLP
- `stakersPercentage`: The percentage of rewards that will be distributed to stakers (in 18 decimal format, e.g., 50% would be 50e18)
  • Send the required stake amount with the transaction. The value sent with the transaction (msg.value) must be at least the minDlpStakeAmount (0.1 Vana on moksha).


After Registration

Upon successful registration:

  1. The DLP is assigned a unique ID.
  2. The DLP's details are stored in the contract.
  3. The sent stake amount is recorded for the DLP owner as a stake.
  4. The DLP is added to the list of registered DLPs.
  5. Users can start staking VANA tokens to the DLP to participate in the reward distribution.

5. Dlp Contracts


This contract is designed to be upgradeable using the Universal Upgradeable Proxy Standard (UUPS) pattern. This allows for future improvements while maintaining the contract's state and address.

For more information on the UUPS pattern and how to work with upgradeable contracts, please refer to the OpenZeppelin documentation:


function initialize(InitParams memory params) external initializer

Initializes the contract with the given parameters.


  • params: A struct containing initialization parameters
    • ownerAddress: The address of the contract owner
    • tokenAddress: The address of the ERC20 token used for rewards
    • dataRegistryAddress: The address of the data registry contract
    • teePoolAddress: The address of the TEE pool contract
    • name: The name of the data liquidity pool
    • masterKey: The master key for the pool
    • proofInstruction: The instruction for generating proofs
    • fileRewardFactor: The factor used to calculate file rewards

Restrictions: Can only be called once during contract deployment

Events Emitted: None


  • InvalidInitialization: Thrown if the contract has already been initialized

function version() external pure returns (uint256)

Returns the version of the contract.

Returns: The version number

Restrictions: None

function files(uint256 fileId) public view returns (FileResponse memory)

Retrieves information about a specific file.


  • fileId: The ID of the file

Returns: FileResponse struct containing:

  • fileId: The ID of the file
  • timestamp: The timestamp when the file was added
  • proofIndex: The index of the proof associated with the file
  • rewardAmount: The amount of reward for the file

Restrictions: None

function filesListCount() external view returns (uint256)

Returns the total number of files in the pool.

Returns: The number of files

Restrictions: None

function filesListAt(uint256 index) external view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the file ID at a specific index in the files list.


  • index: The index in the files list

Returns: The file ID at the given index

Restrictions: None

function contributors(uint256 index) external view returns (ContributorInfoResponse memory)

Retrieves information about a contributor at a specific index.


  • index: The index of the contributor

Returns: ContributorInfoResponse struct containing:

  • contributorAddress: The address of the contributor
  • filesListCount: The number of files contributed by this contributor

Restrictions: None

function contributorInfo(address contributorAddress) public view returns (ContributorInfoResponse memory)

Retrieves information about a specific contributor.


  • contributorAddress: The address of the contributor

Returns: ContributorInfoResponse struct (same as contributors method)

Restrictions: None

function contributorFiles(address contributorAddress, uint256 index) external view returns (FileResponse memory)

Retrieves information about a specific file contributed by a contributor.


  • contributorAddress: The address of the contributor
  • index: The index of the file in the contributor's files list

Returns: FileResponse struct (same as files method)

Restrictions: None

function pause() external

Pauses the contract, preventing certain operations.

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: None (inherited from PausableUpgradeable)


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function unpause() external

Unpauses the contract, re-enabling paused operations.

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: None (inherited from PausableUpgradeable)


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function updateFileRewardFactor(uint256 newFileRewardFactor) external

Updates the file reward factor used to calculate rewards.


  • newFileRewardFactor: The new file reward factor

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: FileRewardFactorUpdated


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function updateTeePool(address newTeePool) external

Updates the address of the TEE pool contract.


  • newTeePool: The new TEE pool contract address

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: None


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function updateProofInstruction(string calldata newProofInstruction) external

Updates the proof instruction used for validating proofs.


  • newProofInstruction: The new proof instruction

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: ProofInstructionUpdated


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function updateMasterKey(string calldata newMasterKey) external

Updates the master key of the pool.


  • newMasterKey: The new master key

Restrictions: Can only be called by the contract owner

Events Emitted: MasterKeyUpdated


  • OwnableUnauthorizedAccount: Thrown if called by any account other than the owner

function requestReward(uint256 fileId, uint256 proofIndex) external

Requests a reward for a file based on its proof.


  • fileId: The ID of the file from the data registry
  • proofIndex: The index of the proof for the file


  • Contract must not be paused
  • File must not have been already rewarded
  • Proof must be valid and signed by a registered TEE

Events Emitted: RewardRequested


  • EnforcedPause: Thrown if the contract is paused
  • FileAlreadyAdded: Thrown if the file has already been rewarded
  • InvalidProof: Thrown if the proof instruction doesn't match the contract's proof instruction
  • InvalidAttestator: Thrown if the proof is not signed by a registered TEE

function addRewardsForContributors(uint256 contributorsRewardAmount) external

Adds rewards to the pool for contributors.


  • contributorsRewardAmount: The amount of rewards to add

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None


  • ERC20InsufficientAllowance: Thrown if the caller has not approved enough tokens for transfer
  • ERC20InsufficientBalance: Thrown if the caller does not have enough tokens to transfer

DAT (Data Access Token)

The DAT contract is an ERC20 token with additional governance features, including ERC20Permit for gasless approvals and ERC20Votes for on-chain voting capabilities. It also includes custom functionality for minting control and address blocking.

This contract inherits from OpenZeppelin's ERC20, ERC20Permit, ERC20Votes, and Ownable2Step contracts, providing standard ERC20 functionality along with permit capabilities for gasless approvals, voting mechanisms, and secure ownership management.

constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, address ownerAddress)

Description: Initializes the contract by setting a name, symbol, and owner address.


  • name: Name of the token
  • symbol: Symbol of the token
  • ownerAddress: Address of the initial owner

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None (inherited from ERC20 and Ownable)

function clock() public view override returns (uint48)

Description: Returns the current timestamp, used for ERC20Votes functionality.

Parameters: None

Return Value:

  • uint48: Current block timestamp

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None

function CLOCK_MODE() public pure override returns (string memory)

Description: Returns the mode of the clock (timestamp-based).

Parameters: None

Return Value:

  • string: "mode=timestamp"

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None

function blockListLength() external view returns (uint256)

Description: Returns the number of addresses in the block list.

Parameters: None

Return Value:

  • uint256: Length of the block list

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None

function blockListAt(uint256 _index) external view returns (address)

Description: Returns the address at a given index in the block list.


  • _index: Index in the block list

Return Value:

  • address: Address at the specified index

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None

function nonces(address owner) public view virtual override(ERC20Permit, Nonces) returns (uint256)

Description: Returns the current nonce for an address, used for ERC20Permit functionality.


  • owner: Address to check the nonce for

Return Value:

  • uint256: Current nonce for the address

Restrictions: None

Events Emitted: None

function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external virtual onlyOwner whenMintIsAllowed

Description: Mints new tokens to a specified address.


  • to: Address to mint tokens to
  • amount: Amount of tokens to mint


  • Only owner can call
  • Minting must not be blocked

Events Emitted: Transfer event (inherited from ERC20)

function changeAdmin(address newAdmin) external virtual onlyOwner

Description: Changes the admin address.


  • newAdmin: New admin address

Restrictions: Only owner can call

Events Emitted:

  • AdminChanged(address indexed oldAdmin, address indexed newAdmin)

function blockMint() external virtual onlyOwner whenMintIsAllowed

Description: Blocks further minting of tokens permanently.

Parameters: None


  • Only owner can call
  • Minting must not already be blocked

Events Emitted:

  • MintBlocked()

function blockAddress(address addressToBeBlocked) external virtual onlyAdmin

Description: Adds an address to the block list, preventing it from transferring tokens.


  • addressToBeBlocked: Address to be blocked

Restrictions: Only admin can call

Events Emitted:

  • AddressBlocked(address indexed blockedAddress)

function unblockAddress(address addressToBeUnblocked) external virtual onlyAdmin

Description: Removes an address from the block list.


  • addressToBeUnblocked: Address to be unblocked

Restrictions: Only admin can call

Events Emitted:

  • AddressUnblocked(address indexed unblockedAddress)


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  • TypeScript 75.5%
  • Solidity 24.5%