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ICT's Vision and Graphics Lab's morphable face model and toolkit


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ICT's Vision and Graphics Lab's morphable face model and toolkit

ICT Face Model Light

The light version of the ICT Face Model consists of a base topology along with definitions of facial landmarks, rigid, and morphable vertices, and a set of linear shape vectors in the form of principal components of light stage scan data registered to a common topology.

ICT-FaceKit is released under the MIT license.

Face Model Topology

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Ordinal# Geometry name Vertex indices Polygon indices #Vertices #Faces
n/a All [0:26718] [0:26383] 26719 26384
#0 Face [0:9408] [0:9229] 9409 9230
#1 Head and Neck [9409:11247] [9230:11143] 1839 1914
#2 Mouth socket [11248:13293] [11144:13225] 2046 2082
#3 Eye socket left [13294:13677] [13226:13629] 384 404
#4 Eye socket right [13678:14061] [13630:14033] 384 404
#5 Gums and tongue [14062:17038] [14034:17005] 2977 2972
#6 Teeth [17039:21450] [17006:21495] 4412 4490
#7 Eyeball left [21451:23020] [21496:23093] 1570 1598
#8 Eyeball right [23021:24590] [23094:24691] 1570 1598
#9 Lacrimal fluid left [24591:24794] [24692:24854] 204 163
#10 Lacrimal fluid right [24795:24998] [24855:25017] 204 163
#11 Eye blend left [24999:25022] [25018:25032] 24 15
#12 Eye blend right [25023:25046] [25033:25047] 24 15
#13 Eye occlusion left [25047:25198] [25048:25175] 152 128
#14 Eye occlusion right [25199:25350] [25176:25303] 152 128
#15 Eyelashes left [25351:26034] [25304:25843] 684 540
#16 Eyelashes right [26035:26718] [25844:26383] 684 540

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UV Layout

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Face Area Details

Ordinal# Geometry name Vertex indices Polygon indices #Vertices #Faces
#0 Full face area [0:9408] [0:9229] 9409 9230
#1 Narrow face area [0:6705] [0:6559] 6706 6560

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Eyeball Details

Ordinal# Geometry name Vertex indices Polygon indices #Vertices #Faces
#0 Sclera left [21451:22220] [21496:22295] 770 800
#1 Iris left [22221:23020] [22296:23093] 800 798
#2 Sclera right [23021:23790] [23094:23893] 770 800
#3 Iris right [23791:24590] [23894:24691] 800 798

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Additional eye geometry including lacrimal fluid, blend meshes, and occlusion meshes adopts the style of Unreal Engine's Digital Human Project. The existing geometries are plug and play with Unreal Engine's shaders.

Teeth Details

Ordinal# Tooth name Vertex indices Polygon indices #Vertices #Faces
#0 3rd Molar upper left [17039:17229] [17006:17203] 191 198
#1 2nd Molar upper left [17230:17415] [17204:17397] 186 194
#2 1st Molar upper left [17416:17606] [17398:17592] 191 195
#3 2nd Bicuspid upper left [17607:17729] [17593:17717] 123 125
#4 1st Bicuspid upper left [17730:17894] [17718:17885] 165 168
#5 Canine upper left [17895:17990] [17886:17979] 96 94
#6 Lateral incisor upper left [17991:18066] [17980:18053] 76 74
#7 Central incisor upper left [18067:18142] [18054:18127] 76 74
#8 Central incisor upper right [18143:18218] [18128:18201] 76 74
#9 Lateral incisor upper right [18219:18294] [18202:18275] 76 74
#10 Canine upper right [18295:18390] [18276:18369] 96 94
#11 1st Bicuspid upper right [18391:18555] [18370:18537] 165 168
#12 2nd Bicuspid upper right [18556:18678] [18538:18662] 123 125
#13 1st Molar upper right [18679:18869] [18663:18857] 191 195
#14 2nd Molar upper right [18870:19055] [18858:19051] 186 194
#15 3rd Molar upper right [19056:19246] [19052:19249] 191 198
#16 3rd Molar lower left [19247:19425] [19250:19433] 179 184
#17 2nd Molar lower left [19426:19601] [19434:19615] 176 182
#18 1st Molar lower left [19602:19813] [19616:19831] 212 216
#19 2nd Bicuspid lower left [19814:19951] [19832:19972] 138 141
#20 1st Bicuspid lower left [19952:20078] [19973:20103] 127 131
#21 Canine lower left [20079:20168] [20104:20193] 90 90
#22 Lateral incisor lower left [20169:20262] [20194:20288] 94 95
#23 Central incisor lower left [20263:20348] [20289:20372] 86 84
#24 Central incisor lower right [20349:20434] [20373:20456] 86 84
#25 Lateral incisor lower right [20435:20528] [20457:20551] 94 95
#26 Canine lower right [20529:20618] [20552:20641] 90 90
#27 1st Bicuspid lower right [20619:20745] [20642:20772] 127 131
#28 2nd Bicuspid lower right [20746:20883] [20773:20913] 138 141
#29 1st Molar lower right [20884:21095] [20914:21129] 212 216
#30 2nd Molar lower right [21096:21271] [21130:21311] 176 182
#31 3rd molar lower right [21272:21450] [21312:21495] 179 184

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Facial Landmarks

All the following indices are 0-indexed.

Multi-PIE 68 point facial landmarks indices:

1225, 1888, 1052, 367, 1719, 1722, 2199, 1447, 966, 3661, 4390, 3927, 3924, 2608, 3272, 4088, 3443, 268, 493, 1914, 2044, 1401, 3615, 4240, 4114, 2734, 2509, 978, 4527, 4942, 4857, 1140, 2075, 1147, 4269, 3360, 1507, 1542, 1537, 1528, 1518, 1511, 3742, 3751, 3756, 3721, 3725, 3732, 5708, 5695, 2081, 0, 4275, 6200, 6213, 6346, 6461, 5518, 5957, 5841, 5702, 5711, 5533, 6216, 6207, 6470, 5517, 5966

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Right jawline (substitutes 0-7 in Multi PIE):

1278, 1272, 12, 1834, 243, 781, 2199, 1447

Left jawline (substitutes 9-16 in Multi PIE):

3661, 4390, 3022, 2484, 4036, 2253, 3490, 3496

Right extended jawline (superset of right jawline):

1280, 1278, 1275, 1272, 1248, 12, 820, 1834, 1902, 243, 844, 781, 1673, 2199, 801, 1447, 800

Left extended jawline (superset of left jawline):

3041, 3661, 3042, 4390, 3880, 3022, 3085, 2484, 4102, 4036, 3061, 2253, 3466, 3490, 3493, 3496, 3498

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Identity shape vectors

ICT Face Model Light includes a set of 100 PCA modes of linear morph targets. The linear morphing affects the full geometry of the face model and is based on light stage facial scan data.

"What is a Linear 3D Morphable Face Model?" (Youtube link):

What is a Linear 3D Morphable Face Model?

Expression Shapes

Current expression shapes adopt the naming convention of the Apple ARKit, but with "Left" and "Right" specified with "_L" and "_R". Additionally, we separeate the shapes (browInnerUp_L and browInnerUp_R), and (cheekPuff_L and cheekPuff_R).

Our expression shapes closest relation to FACS units are as follows:

FACS unit Our shapes
AU1 Inner brow raiser browInnerUp_L + browInnerUp_R
AU2 Outer brow raiser browOuterUp_L + browOuterUp_R
AU4 Brow lowerer browDown_L + browDown_R
AU6 Cheek raiser cheekSquint_L + cheekSquint_R
AU5 Upper lid raiser eyeWide_L + eyeWide_R
AU7 Lid tightener eyeSquint_L + eyeSquint_R
AU9 Nose Wrinkler noseSneer_L + noseSneer_R
AU10 Upper lip raiser mouthShrugUpper
AU11 Nasolabial deepener mouthUpperUp_L + mouthUpperUp_R
AU12 Lip corner puller mouthSmile_L + mouthSmile_R
AU14 Dimpler mouthDimple_L + mouthDimple_R
AU15 Lip corner depressor mouthFrown_L + mouthFrown_R
AU16 Lower lip depressor mouthLowerDown_L + mouthLowerDown_R
AU17 Chin raiser mouthShrugLower
AU18 Lip Pucker mouthPucker
AU20 Lip stretcher mouthStretch_L + mouthStretch_R
AU22 Lip Funneler mouthFunnel
AU24 Lip pressor mouthPress_L + mouthPress_R
AU27 Mouth stretch jawOpen
AU28 Lip Suck mouthRollLower + mouthRollUpper
AU29 Jaw thrust jawForward
AU30 Jaw sideways (left) jawLeft
AU30 Jaw sideways (right) jawRight
AU33 Cheek blow cheekPuff_L + cheekPuff_R
AU45 Blink eyeBlink_L + eyeBlink_R
AU61 Eyes turn left eyeLookOut_L + eyeLookIn_R
AU62 Eyes turn right eyeLookOut_R + eyeLookIn_L
AU63 Eyes up eyeLookUp_L + eyeLookUp_R
AU64 Eyes down eyeLookDown_L + eyeLookDown_R

Full ICT Face Model

Additional features are supported in ICT's Full face model. Some features of the full model are still under development. The full model will be released under a different USC specific license. For questions, or to sign up for a note on when it will be ready, contact [email protected], or [email protected]

Feature ICT Face Model Light Full ICT Face Model
Base model topology Yes Yes
#PCA Identity shape modes 100 200+
#PCA Identity albedo modes 0 200+
#Expression blend shapes 53 53
FBX face rig No Yes
Albedo to specularity inference No Yes
Albedo to displacement inference No Yes

Script Package

This software package comes with some example scripts to get started. First, install external python packages:

pip install numpy
pip install openmesh

cd in to the /Scripts directory as some example scripts require this root path.

Run example scripts:


Outputs will be written in /sample_data_out


Learning Formation of Physically Based Face Attributes

CVPR 2020 : IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition


Based on a combined data set of 4000 high resolution facial scans, we introduce a non-linear morphable face model, capable of producing multifarious face geometry of pore-level resolution, coupled with material attributes for use in physically-based rendering. We aim to maximize the variety of the participants' face identities, while increasing the robustness of correspondence between unique components, including middle-frequency geometry, albedo maps, specular intensity maps and high-frequency displacement details. Our deep learning based generative model learns to correlate albedo and geometry, which ensures the anatomical correctness of the generated assets. We demonstrate potential use of our generative model for novel identity generation, model fitting, interpolation, animation, high fidelity data visualization, and low-to-high resolution data domain transferring. We hope the release of this generative model will encourage further cooperation between all graphics, vision, and data focused professionals, while demonstrating the cumulative value of every individuals' complete biometric profile.



title={Learning Formation of Physically-Based Face Attributes},
author={Ruilong Li and Karl Bladin and Yajie Zhao and Chinmay Chinara and Owen Ingraham and Pengda Xiang and Xinglei Ren and Pratusha Prasad and Bipin Kishore and Jun Xing and Hao Li},


ICT's Vision and Graphics Lab's morphable face model and toolkit







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