# install namespaces
kubectl apply -f namespaces.yaml
# Install application
kubectl apply -f httpbin-deploy.yaml
Now the application should be installed and accessible only through the cluster. Check installation with.
kubectl get pods -n demo
kubectl port-forward -n demo svc/httpbin 8000:8000
There should be one pod deployed in demo with only 1/1 containers ready. When installing istio there will be a sidecar added here. Access the application on localhost:8000
In this guide I was using Azures AKS which has the option to use the LoadBalancer service type with a static Ip.
If you also use Azure replace the ips in istio-controlplane.yaml
with your public IP. If you are not using a
provider with support for LoadBalancers you can replace this with NodePorts. An example of this is commented in
the istio-controlplane.yaml
file. After the config is ready install istio with:
kubectl apply -f istio-1.12.1/manifests/charts/base/crds/crd-all.gen.yaml
./istio-1.12.1/bin/istioctl operator init
kubectl apply -f istio-controlplane.yaml
./istio-1.12.1/bin/istioctl verify-install
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--version v1.4.0 \
--set installCRDs=true \
--set startupapicheck.enabled=false
Replace email
in cluster-issuer.yaml
then replace the occurrences of httpbin.example.com
with the url
you want to use for your httpbin-app. Do this in both httpbin-istio-gw.yaml
and httpbin-tls-cert.yaml
kubectl apply -f cluster-issuer.yaml
kubectl apply -f httpbin-istio-gw.yaml
kubectl apply -f httpbin-tls-cert.yaml
# check pods
kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
kubectl get pods -n demo
# Both should have sidecars and be ready.
kubectl get certificate -n istio-system
Visit url.
replace issuer
with the url for your dex and redirectURIs:
with the url for your app in dex-values.yaml
Then run:
helm repo add dex https://charts.dexidp.io
helm repo update
helm install \
--namespace demo \
--values dex-values.yaml \
--version 0.6.5 \
dex dex/dex
Replace the occurrences of dex.example.com
with the url
you want to use for dex. Do this in both dex-istio-gw.yaml
and dex-tls-cert.yaml
Then apply with:
kubectl apply -f dex-istio-gw.yaml
kubectl apply -f dex-tls-cert.yaml
For authentication we can use any IDP which supports OIDC. In this example Dex is installed which can in turn be connected to other AD sources see our blog post on how to connect dex to google for more information. In this post we will only use Dex static user as an example.
Replace oidc_issuer_url
and cookie_domains
from oauth2-proxy-values.yaml
with your domain name then apply with:
helm repo add oauth2-proxy https://oauth2-proxy.github.io/manifests
helm repo update
helm install \
--namespace demo \
--values oauth2-proxy-values.yaml \
--version 5.0.6 \
oauth2-proxy oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy
Replace httpbin.example.com
with you app url in authorization-policy.yaml
then apply with:
kubectl apply -f authorization-policy.yaml
The authorization policy will trigger when trying to access the hostname configured.
When the policy is triggered it will use the extensionProvider from the istio-controlplane.yaml
This will cause a redirect to the oauth2-proxy which in turn will go to dex for authentication. Authenticate
Username: admin
Password: password
You should now be able to access the httpbin application again which is now protected by the authentication service.
You can see that the application have received the access_token by going to your app-url and /headers httpbin.example.com/headers
This should now include the Authorization
header with a jwt-token. You can decode this token to see the information stored there.
This guide will make all applications behind the authorization policy have to go through the Oauth2 authentication flow to access these applications. This provides the security that the user will have to be able to login to your IDP service to access the apps. OBS that this does NOT include authorization which the applications themselves will still have to support.