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A React Native module that allows you to control hot update same as Code Push, less config than Code Push, you can control version manager, hosting bundle js by your self, this library just control install the hot update after bundle js downloaded from your side. As we know, Code push is going to retirement in next year, that why i create that library for you can control bundle js from your backend side.

iOS GIF Android GIF

npm downloads npm package


if you don't want to manage the download progress, need to install blob util together:

yarn add react-native-ota-hot-update && react-native-blob-util

Auto linking already, need pod install for ios:

cd ios && pod install


Open AppDelegate.m and add this:

#import "RNhotupdate.h"
  return [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index"];
  return [RNhotupdate getBundle]; ## add this line


Open and add these codes bellow:

import com.rnhotupdate.OtaHotUpdate
override fun getJSBundleFile(): String? {
    return OtaHotUpdate.getBundleJS()

That's it, can check the example code

Here is the guideline to control bundle js by yourself, in here i am using Firebase storage to store bundlejs file and a json file that announce new version is comming:

1.Add these script into your package.json to export bundlejs file:

"scripts": {
  "export-android": "mkdir -p android/output && react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/output/ --assets-dest android/output  && cd android && find output -type f | zip -@ && cd .. && rm -rf android/output",
  "export-ios": "mkdir -p ios/output && react-native bundle --platform ios --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios/output/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios/output && cd ios && find output -type f | zip -@ && cd .. && rm -rf ios/output"

These commands are export bundle file and compress it as a zip file, one for android and one for ios. You can create your own script that export and auto upload to your server.

Then create an json file: update.json like that:

  "version": 1,
  "downloadAndroidUrl": "",
  "downloadIosUrl": ""

Then upload your bundlejs files to firebase storage, totally will look like that:

After you have done everything related to version manager, you just handle the way to update new version like fetch update.json as api to get download url and call this function:

    import hotUpdate from 'react-native-ota-hot-update';
    import ReactNativeBlobUtil from 'react-native-blob-util';
    hotUpdate.downloadBundleUri(ReactNativeBlobUtil, url, version, {
      updateSuccess: () => {
        console.log('update success!');
      updateFail(message?: string) {
        Alert.alert('Update failed!', message, [
            text: 'Cancel',
            onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'),
            style: 'cancel',
      restartAfterInstall: true,

The important thing: this library will control version by it self, need always pass version as parameter in downloadBundleUri, it will storage as a cache and use this to check whether need update version in the next time. Default of version is 0


key Return Action Parameters
downloadBundleUri void Download bundle and install it (downloadManager: DownloadManager, uri: string, version: number, option?: UpdateOption)
setupBundlePath boolean Install your bundle path if you control the downloading by your self, ignore that if you use downloadBundleUri path: string, the path of bundlejs file that you downloaded before
removeUpdate void Remove you update and use the previos version restartAfterRemoved?: boolean, restart to apply your changing
resetApp void Restart the app to apply the changing empty
getCurrentVersion number Get the current version that let you use to compare and control the logic updating empty
setCurrentVersion boolean Set the current version that let you use to compare and control the logic updating version: number


Option Required Type Description
headers No Object The header to down load your uri bundle file if need token/authentication...
updateSuccess No Callback Will trigger when install update success
updateFail(message: string) No Callback Will trigger when install update failed
restartAfterInstall No boolean default is false, if true will restart the app after install success to apply the new change
progress No void A callback to show progress when downloading bundle


The same method as react-native-blob-util or rn-fetch-blob
