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LeafConfiguration Formatting Options

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@tdotclare tdotclare released this 07 Jul 11:37

This release exposes configuration methods for setting the default presentation output of data in rendered Leaf templates.

Static options are settable only until app.leaf.renderer is accessed or a render(...) call is made.

Property Options

Stored property options in a LeafConfiguration may be used in various ways by a LeafRenderer which the configuration object was for, and changes to them after the object was provided to a specific LeafRenderer will have no affect.

.rootDirectory: String   // The default file directory used for file-system based `LeafSource`s                  

Static Options

Static options on LeafConfiguration are effectively constant once any LeafRenderer has been instantiated and attempts to change them will assert in Debug and silently fail in Release to prevent inconsistent behavior.

 // The global tag indicator for LeafKit
.tagIndicator: Character == "#"
 // Encoding used when a template is serialized
.encoding: String.Encoding == .utf8

// Formatters for converting the base internal data types to Strings for serialization
.boolFormatter: (Bool) -> String = { $0.description }     // Bool.description
.intFormatter: (Int) -> String = { $0.description }       // Int.description
.doubleFormatter: (Double) -> String = { $0.description } // Double.description
.nilFormatter: () -> String = { "" }                      // Empty string (Optional containing .none)
.voidFormatter: () -> String = { "" }                     // Empty string (Tag with no return value)
.stringFormatter: (String) -> String = { $0 }             // Identity return
.dataFormatter: (Data) -> String? =
        { String(data: $0, encoding: Self._encoding) }    // Data using .encoding

// Note: Array & Dictionaries elements will already have been converted to Strings

.arrayFormatter: ([String]) -> String =                   // Array: [element, ..., element]
        { "[\($ {"\"\($0)\""}.joined(separator: ", "))]" }
.dictFormatter: ([String: String]) -> String =            // Dictionary: [key: value, ..., key: value]
        { "[\($ { "\($0): \"\($1)\"" }.joined(separator: ", "))]" }