ppdb2redis is a script that allows fast exporting ppdb paraphrase database to Redis. PPDB is stored in sorted set of Redis according to the paraphase score, where a key is the left paraphases in PPDB and values are the right paraphrases with POS tag.
./redis-cli -p [PORT] -n [DB] zrange "offer" 0 -1 WITHSCORES
Tested on Redis 2.4.15
redis.conf is an example of redis config file
USAGE: ruby ppdb2redis.rb -ppdbfile | redis/redis-cli -p [POST] -n [REDISDB] --pipe --pipe-timeout 0
USAGE with screen:
Create a session:
ruby ppdb2redis.rb -ppdbfile | redis/redis-cli -p [POST] -n [REDISDB] --pipe --pipe-timeout 0
[close the session]
Restore the session:
screen -ls
screen -r [ID]