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NBlast is a lightweight log management tool. NBlast comes with two parts, REST-based log register and web iterface for searching and visualization of yours logs. NBlast's REST API is entirely based on .NET stack and depends only on it.

It's totally open source. NBlast uses Apache 2.0 licence that gives you a lot of liberty to use it whatever you want.

NBlast is quite simple, easy in configuration, deployment and usage. It's based on such well-recommended project as Owin, WebApi and Lucene.NET.

NBlast was widely tested with NLog but it can easily work with large variety of log emitters.


  • .NET Framework v4.5 or above
  • F# v3.1 or above
  • npm v1.4.21 or above
    • gulp v3.8.11 or above
    • bower v1.3.12 or above
    • coffee v1.8.0 or above


Server side
git clone <NBLAST.git>
cd NBlast
build.cmd # or
Client side
git clone <NBLAST.git>
cd NBlast/NBlast.Client
npm install
bower install
gulp package
 mv .\out\ <DESTINATION>



NBlast.Api has following specific settings:

  • NBlast.api.url indicates what url must be used for application, default value (http://+:9090)
  • indicates an amount of items to return per page in search result, default value (10 items per page)
  • NBlast.indexing.scheduler.run_every_minutes indicates a period in which the indexing scheduler will be run, default value (1 minute)
  • NBlast.indexing.directory_path a path to the folder which contains a logs index, default value (./index)
  • NBlast.indexing.documents_per_task specifies an amount of documents to be indexed in a single step, run by scheduled task, default value (100000)




NBlast.Api is built on Topshelf, so it can be deployed as windows service with ease. Topshelf is a cross-platform solution you can read more about its configuration in official documentation.

First you need to review the configuration file NBlast.Api.exe.config and specify an appropriated index location.

<add key="NBlast.index.directory_path" value="C:/Data/Logs/NBlast/index"/>

Then you need to authorize NBlast.Api to use its ports on localhost, for do that, you'll need to open a command prompt with administrator privileges and type following instruction:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:<PORT>/ user=<domain\username>

Where <domain\username> is your user account and desired port.

In the next step you need to install NBLast.Api as service, you could do so with following instruction:

.\NBlast.Api.exe service install -username:<domain\username> -password:**** --autostart

Where <domain\username> is an account to run your windows service with.

You can get more available options with:

.\NBlast.Api.exe help

If everything is correct, your service will start immediately.


Installation of the client is quite simple because it represents a simple single page application entirely based on modern Web browsers. You can install it inside a IIS/apache application, run it as standalone application with an embedded http server such http-server or embed it into nw.js application.


Use NBlast as NLog endpoint

To use NBlast.Api as a potential NLog endpoint you'll need to use NLog's WebService target. To reach that you'll need to add following specific section to your NLog configuration:

<!-- .... -->
   <!-- .... -->
   <target name="nblast" type="WebService" protocol="HttpPost" url="http://localhost:9090/api/indexer/index">
       <parameter name="bom" type="System.String" layout="1"/>
       <parameter name="message" type="System.String" layout="${message}"/>
       <parameter name="logger" type="System.String" layout="${logger}"/>
       <parameter name="level" type="System.String" layout="${level}"/>
       <parameter name="error" type="System.String" layout="${onexception: ${exception:format=tostring}}"/>
       <parameter name="sender" type="System.String" layout="MyApplication-Production"/>
    <!-- .... -->
    <logger name="*" minLevel="Trace" appendTo="nblast" />

IMPORTANT! In above configuration parameter "BOM" in the beginning is mandatory and absolutely pointless because of manner of how WebService target encodes its request's body. It appends a BOM to each request's body. That's a workaround to avoid any "lost" of useful information during WebApi data binding.

Populate NBlast with event logs
$computer = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem 

Get-EventLog -List | %{ 
    $loggerStart = $_.LogDisplayName 
    Get-EventLog -LogName $_.Log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  | %{
        $level = switch ($_.EntryType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()) {
            "WARNING" {"warn"}
            "ERROR" {"error"}
            "FAILUREAUDIT" {"error"}
            "FATAL" {"fatal"}
            "DEBUG" {"debug"}
            "INFORMATION" {"info"}
            default {"trace"}
        $logModel = @{
            'sender' = $computer.Name
            'level' = $level
            'message' = $_.Message
            'logger' = $loggerStart + ' / ' + $_.Source
            'createdAt' = $_.TimeGenerated.ToString("s", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture )
        $logModel | ConvertTo-Json
    } | %{
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $restUri -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $_


See details here.