This Project aims at easy price tag printing of multiple pricetags for korona cloud POS systems.
It runs on a webserver (like WinNMP and is used via a VERY simple webinterface.
Just scan all the eans you need new pricetags for in the Textfield.
Im using: and
Both are included in this git, you may want to update them by yourself.
Usage: edit settings.php file and add your korona api credentials and choose your font by pointing to a font file. Open index.php Already generated pricetags are saved individually in tmp folder. You might want to clean it up manually. All "work" is done inside getarticles.php.
Known Issues: ketikett currently gets all articles out of the backend per print.. this takes some time and need fpr ~15.000 articles up to over a minute. This is not elegant.. a local cache would save bandwidth and fast things up. However it works as it is...
Disclaimer: this was hacked together by me after not writing any code for ~15years. Sorry