A python script to monitor the health of an azure-servicebus namespace from zabbix.
Intended to be called from zabbix as a user-parameter.
> azure-sb.py -k accesskey -h my-servicebus -a topic-size -t mytopic
Usage: azure-sb.py [options]
This Zabbix plugin checks the health of an azure-servicebus instance.
--help show this help message and exit
-h HOST, --host=HOST The namespace you want to connect to
-k KEY, --key=KEY The key to use for authentication
-n KEYNAME, --keyname=KEYNAME The key name that the given access key relates to (default RootManageSharedAccessKey)
-a ACTION, --action=ACTION The action you want to take
-t TOPIC, --topic=TOPIC The topic you want to interrogate
-s SUBSCRIPTION, --subscription=SUBSCRIPTION The subscription you want to interrogate
: print the size (in bytes) of the given topic (int)topic-percent
: print the topic size as a percentage of the max size (float, 0 to 1)subscription-active
: print the message count of the given subscription (int)
> ./azure-sb.py -h my-servicebus -k XjGbthddfslAD8= -a topic-size -t mytopic
> ./azure-sb.py -h my-servicebus -k XjGbthddfslAD8= -a topic-percent -t mytopic
> ./azure-sb.py -h my-servicebus -k XjGbthddfslAD8= -a subscription-active -t mytopic -s mysubscription
###using with zabbix_sender If you want to use this script with the zabbix_sender utility then there's a shell script provided which will invoke azure-sb.py and pipe the result to zabbix_sender.
Usually you would invoke this from a cron-job (or similar)
*/2 * * * * /path/to/azure-sb-zabbix/zabbix-sender.sh myzabbix.server.com my-servicebus-namespace accesskey mytopic > /dev/null 2>&1