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Andrew Ekstedt edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Special encounters

Editor's note: this page was rescued from veekun's old bug tracker, circa 2015.

This is about #3. I need every single special Pokémon encounter in every main-line game. (I would also LIKE special encounters from side games; the version-group can just be whatever games can trade with them.) Event Pokémon are also fabulous, but people have already collected those and I can just parse them.

I need to know everything. If there are fixed IVs, a fixed name, a special trainer ID, whatever, I want to know about it.

List of encounter methods, copied from #3

Special ways to encounter or get a Pokémon. Note that some of these are repeatable and some are not; should a distinction be made here?

  • (once) Starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Mudkip, Chimchar, ... (is this distinct enough from the in-game givaways?)
  • (once) Unique overworld Pokémon: Snorlax, Mewtwo, Lugia, Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin ...
  • (once) In-game trades:
  • (once) In-game giveaways: Riolu egg, Eevee, ...
  • Feebas
  • Headbutt in GSC
  • (once) Legendaries that run around
  • Daily Safari Game Pokémon
  • Daily Mansion Pokémon
  • Honey tree Pokémon
  • (once) Celebi in Crystal in Japan, I guess? I forget how that worked
  • (once but incidental) Colosseum and XD Snaggables

Special ways to get an INDIVIDUAL (customized somehow) Pokémon:

  • A zillion Toys R Us, movie, Pokémon Center (, Mystery Gift, wifi event, etc. giveaways
  • Crystal's ExtremeSpeed Dratini
  • Crystal's Dizzy Punch Odd Eggs
  • Stadium 1: Amnesia Psyduck (and Surf Pikachu, which is already on site)
  • Stadium 2: Baton Pass Farfetch'd and Earthquake Gligar
  • "PBR gives you hardy pikachu w/ surf, modest magmortar, and adamant electivire"
  • Ranch has rewards of some sort
  • Pokémon Box reward eggs for filling your box: False Swipe Swablu, ExtremeSpeed Zigzagoon, Pay Day Skitty, and Surf Pichu. THERE IS NO WISH RALTS.
  • Ranger and Ranger 2 have Manaphy egg, Riolu with Aura Sphere, and some sort of Darkrai
  • Bonus Disc Pokémon (Jirachi, Celebi from Colosseum discs)

I actually have a collection of distributed event Pokémon. Here's an example of stuff included in them:

Individual Pokémon

Generation I


  • Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle (RED+BLUE) Given by Prof. Oak (choice of one)
    • Level 5
  • Bulbasaur (YELLOW): Given by girl in Cerulean City if starter Pikachu's happiness is high
    • Level 10
  • Charmander (YELLOW): Given by a guy on Route 24
    • Level 10
  • Squirtle (YELLOW): Given by a police officer in Vermilion City (after defeating Lt. Surge)
    • Level 10
  • Pikachu (YELLOW): Given by Prof. Oak (unable to evolve, unless traded to another game)
    • Level 5
  • Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee: Given after defeating Karate Master at Fighting Dojo (choice of one)
    • Level 30
  • Lapras: Given by guy in Silph Co.
    • Level 15
  • Eevee: Given by guy on top of Celadon Mansion
    • Level 25

Fossils (revived at Cinnabar Island Pokémon Lab):

  • Omanyte or Kabuto: Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil respectively, player must pick one at Mt. Moon
    • Level 30
  • Aerodactyl: Old Amber (Pewter City Museum, requires Cut)
    • Level 30


  • Snorlax: Route 12 and Route 16 (level 30)
  • Articuno: Seafoam Islands (level 50)
  • Zapdos: Power Plant (level 50)
  • Moltres: Victory Road (level 50)
  • Mewtwo: Cerulean Cave, after Elite Four (level 70)

In-game trades (only obtainable via in-game trade):

  • Farfetch'd (RED+BLUE): Traded at Vermilion City for Spearow (Nickname DUX, OT TRAINER)
  • Lickitung (RED+BLUE): Traded at the bottom of Cycling Road (Route 18) for Slowbro (Nickname MARC, OT TRAINER)
  • Mr. Mime (RED+BLUE): Traded at Route 2 for Abra (Nickname MARCEL, OT TRAINER)
  • Mr. Mime (YELLOW): Traded at Route 2 for Clefairy (Nickname MILES, OT TRAINER)
  • Jynx (RED+BLUE): Traded at Cerulean City for Poliwhirl (Nickname LOLA, OT TRAINER)

In-game trades (just for kicks):

  • Nidoran♀ (RED+BLUE): Traded at Route 5 underground passage for Nidoran♂ (Nickname SPOT, OT TRAINER)
  • Nidorina (RED+BLUE): Traded at Route 11 for Nidorino (Nickname TERRY, OT TRAINER)
  • Parasect (YELLOW): Traded at the bottom of Cycling Road (Route 18) for Tangela (Nickname SPIKE, OT TRAINER)
  • Dugtrio (YELLOW): Traded at Route 11 for Lickitung (Nickname GURIO, OT TRAINER)
  • Machoke (YELLOW): Traded at Route 5 underground passage for Cubone (Nickname RICKY, OT TRAINER, evolves immediately)
  • Seel (RED+BLUE): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Ponyta (Nickname SAILOR, OT TRAINER)
  • Dewgong (YELLOW): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Growlithe (Nickname CEZANNE, OT TRAINER)
  • Muk (YELLOW): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Kangaskhan (Nickname STICKY, OT TRAINER)
  • Electrode (RED+BLUE): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Raichu (Nickname DORIS, OT TRAINER)
  • Rhydon (YELLOW): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Golduck (Nickname BUFFY, OT TRAINER)
  • Tangela (RED+BLUE): Traded at Cinnabar Island for Venonat (Nickname CRINKLES, OT TRAINER)

Celadon Game Corner prizes:

  • Nidorina (RED): 1200 coins
  • Nidorino (BLUE): 1200 coins
  • Clefairy (RED): 500 coins
  • Clefairy (BLUE): 750 coins
  • Vulpix (YELLOW): 1000 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Wigglytuff (YELLOW): 2680 coins
  • Abra (RED): 180 coins
  • Abra (BLUE): 120 coins
  • Abra (YELLOW): 230 coins
  • Scyther (RED): 5500 coins
  • Scyther (YELLOW): 6500 coins
  • Pinsir (BLUE): 2500 coins
  • Pinsir (YELLOW): 6500 coins
  • Porygon (RED): 9999 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Porygon (BLUE): 4600 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Porygon (YELLOW): 9999 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Dratini (RED): 2800 coins
  • Dratini (BLUE): 4600 coins

Generation II


  • Eevee: Given by Bill in Goldenrod City after opening Time Capsule in Ecruteak City (level 20)
  • Dratini (Crystal only): Given by Dragon Master in Dragon's Den - knows ExtremeSpeed if player gives the right answers to the Dragon Master's quiz (level 15)
  • Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile: Given by Prof. Elm (choice of one)
  • Tyrogue: Given after defeating Karate Master at Mt. Mortar (level 10)


  • Gyarados: Lake of Rage, always shiny (level 30)
  • Lapras: Union Cave, every Friday (level 20)
  • Snorlax: Vermilion City, needs to be awakened by Poké Flute radio channel (level 50)
  • Sudowoodo: Route 36, needs to be watered with SquirtBottle
  • Suicune: Tin Tower, requires Clear Bell (level 40)
  • Lugia: Whirl Islands, requires Silver Wing (level 70 in Gold, 40 in Silver, 60 in Crystal)
  • Ho-oh: Tin Tower, requires Rainbow Wing (level 40 in Gold, 70 in Silver, 60 in Crystal)


  • Raikou: Roams Johto after being disturbed at Tin Tower (level 40)
  • Entei: Roams Johto after being disturbed at Tin Tower (level 40)
  • Suicune (except Crystal): Roams Johto after being disturbed at Tin Tower (level 40)

In-game trades (only obtainable via in-game trade):

  • Aerodactyl (GOLD+SILVER): Traded at Route 14 for Chansey (Nickname AEROY, OT KIM (26491), Gold Berry, Crystal IVs: Atk 9, Def 6, Speed 6, Spc 6)

In-game trades (just for kicks):

  • Machop (GOLD+SILVER): Traded at Goldenrod City for Drowzee (Nickname MUSCLE, OT MIKE (37460), Gold Berry)
  • Machop (CRYSTAL): Traded at Goldenrod City for Abra (Nickname MUSCLE, OT MIKE (37460), Gold Berry, IVs: Atk 3, Def 7, Speed 6, Spc 6)
  • Rapidash (GOLD+SILVER): Traded at Pewter City for Gloom (Nickname RUNNY, OT CHRIS (15616), Burnt Berry)
  • Magneton (CRYSTAL): Traded at Power Plant for Dugtrio (Nickname MAGGIE, OT FOREST (50082), Metal Coat, IVs: Atk 9, Def 6, Speed 6, Spc 6)
  • Dodrio (CRYSTAL): Traded at Blackthorn City for Dragonair♀ (Nickname DORIS, OT EMY (00283), Smoke Ball, IVs: Atk 7, Def 7, Speed 6, Spc 6)
  • Onix (GSC): Traded at Violet City for Bellsprout (Nickname ROCKY, OT KYLE (48926), Bitter Berry, Crystal IVs: Atk 9, Def 6, Speed 6, Spc 6)
  • Voltorb (GSC): Traded at Olivine City for Krabby (Nickname VOLTY, OT TIM (29189), PRZCureBerry, Crystal IVs: Atk 9, Def 9, Speed 8, Spc 8)
  • Rhydon (GOLD+SILVER): Traded at Blackthorn City for Dragonair♀ (Nickname DON, OT EMY (00283), Bitter Berry)
  • Xatu (CRYSTAL): Traded at Pewter City for Haunter (Nickname PAUL, OT CHRIS (15616), MysteryBerry, IVs: Atk 9, Def 6, Speed 8, Spc 6)

Goldenrod Game Corner prizes

  • Pikachu (CRYSTAL): 2222 coins
  • Mr. Mime (GOLD+SILVER): 3333 coins
  • Eevee (GOLD+SILVER): 6666 coins
  • Porygon (GOLD+SILVER): 9999 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Porygon (CRYSTAL): 5555 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Larvitar (CRYSTAL): 8888 coins

Celadon Game Corner prizes

  • Ekans (GOLD): 700 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Sandshrew (SILVER): 700 coins (only obtainable here)
  • Abra (GOLD+SILVER): 200 coins
  • Abra (CRYSTAL): 100 coins
  • Dratini (GOLD+SILVER): 2100 coins
  • Wobbuffet (CRYSTAL): 9999 coins


I spent a few days playing around and got this from quite all sources I could track down:

Bulba has them, but seems to use as it's source. I've not been able to check conclusively whether psypokes uses the upc list, which is incomplete, as its only source. Far too little good data.. and too old. Will continue though, maybe some of the old simulators found an alternate source which google would not pick up easily?

This list is all from with a load of fixed typos (and probably inaccuracies, see above).

I spent some time digging around and.. Gut who compiled that list, last active yesterday so could be contacted for info.

Starters Week

Bulbasaur with AncientPower
Charmander with Crunch
Squirtle with Zap Cannon
Chikorita with Petal Dance
Cyndaquil with Double-Edge
Totodile with Submission

Christmas Week

Delibird with Pay Day

Spring Into Spring

Psyduck with Petal Dance
Chikorita with Petal Dance
Pichu with Petal Dance
Cleffa with Petal Dance
Igglybuff with Petal Dance
Smoochum with Petal Dance

Babies Week

Pichu with Sing
Cleffa with Swift
Igglybuff with Mimic
Smoochum with Metronome
Elekid with Pursuit
Magby with Faint Attack

Valentine's Day

Nidoran♀ with Lovely Kiss
Nidoran♀ with Sweet Kiss
Nidoran♂ with Lovely Kiss
Nidoran♂ with Sweet Kiss
Bellsprout with Lovely Kiss
Bellsprout with Sweet Kiss

Summer Festival 1 (Tropical Giveaway)

Poliwag with Growth
Horsea with Haze
Goldeen with Swords Dance
Magikarp with Reversal
Marill with Dizzy Punch
Wooper with Belly Drum

Summer Festival 2 (Tropical Giveaway)

Psyduck with Tri Attack
Tentacool with Confuse Ray
Lapras with Bite
Chinchou with Light Screen
Remoraid with Mist
Mantine with Gust

Swarm Week

Marill with Hydro Pump
Yanma with Steel Wing
Dunsparce with Horn Drill
Snubbull with Lovely Kiss
Qwilfish with Double with Edge
Remoraid with Amnesia

Pokémon Mini Week

Chikorita with Petal Dance
Wooper with Belly Drum
Smoochum with Metronome

Safari Week

Nidoran♀ with Moonlight
Nidoran♂ with Morning Sun
Chansey with Sweet Scent
Kangaskhan with Faint Attack
Tauros with Quick Attack
Dratini with Hydro Pump

Sky Week

Spearow with SonicBoom
Farfetch'd with Fury Cutter
Doduo with Low Kick
Natu with Safeguard
Murkrow with Beat Up
Skarmory with Fury Cutter

Power Plant Week

Magnemite with Agility
Voltorb with Agility
Pichu with Dizzy Punch
Elekid with Dizzy Punch


Pichu with Scary Face
Cleffa with Scary Face
Igglybuff with Scary Face
Marill with Scary Face
Wooper with Scary Face

Silver Cave

Ponyta with Low Kick
Doduo with Low Kick
Tangela with Synthesis
Misdreavus with Hypnosis
Larvitar with Rage

Union Cave

Onix with Sharpen
Krabby with Metal Claw
Goldeen with Swords Dance
Staryu with Twister
Lapras with Future Sight

Psychic Type

Abra with Foresight
Drowzee with Amnesia
Exeggcute with Sweet Scent
Mr.Mime with Mind Reader
Lapras with Future Sight
Natu with Safeguard

Rock Tunnel

Zubat with Flail
Machop with Thrash
Geodude with Rapid Spin
Onix with Sharpen
Cubone with Fury Attack
Kangaskhan with Faint Attack

Ice Type

Seel with Flail
Lapras with Future Sight
Swinub with Whirlwind
Delibird with Spikes

Nocturnal Week

Staryu with Twister
Hoothoot with Night Shade
Murkrow with Beat Up
Misdreavus with Hypnosis
Sneasel with Moonlight

Grass Type

Oddish with Leech Seed
Paras with Synthesis
Tangela with Synthesis
Hoppip with Agility
Sunkern with Splash

Normal Type

Lickitung with Double Slap
Snorlax with Splash
Sentret with Dizzy Punch
Aipom with Mimic
Stantler with Safeguard
Miltank with Mega Kick

Mt. Mortar

Machop with False Swipe
Goldeen with Swords Dance
Magikarp with Bubble
Marill with Dizzy Punch
Tyrogue with Rage

Dark Cave

Geodude with Rapid Spin
Wobbuffet with Mimic
Dunsparce with Fury Attack
Teddiursa with Sweet Scent
Phanpy with Absorb

Valentine's Day

Poliwag with Lovely Kiss
Poliwag with Sweet Kiss
Bellsprout with Lovely Kiss
Bellsprout with Sweet Kiss
Snorlax with Lovely Kiss
Snorlax with Sweet Kiss

Rare Pokémon

Eevee with Growth
Porygon with Barrier
Omanyte with Rock Throw
Kabuto with Rock Throw
Aerodactyl with Rock Throw
Snorlax with Sweet Kiss
Sudowoodo with Substitute

Bug Type

Scyther with Sonic Boom
Pinsir with Rock Throw
Ledyba with Barrier
Spinarak with Growth
Yanma with Sweet Kiss
Pineco with Substitute
Heracross with Seismic Toss

Generation III



  • Makuhita (Level 30)
  • Bayleef (Level 30)
  • Quilava (Level 30)
  • Croconaw (Level 30)
  • Noctowl (Level 30)
  • Flaaffy (Level 30)
  • Skiploom (Level 30)
  • Quagsire (Level 30)
  • Misdreavus (Level 30)
  • Slugma (Level 30)
  • Furret (Level 33)
  • Yanma (Level 33)
  • Mantine (Level 33)
  • Remoraid (Level 20)
  • Qwilfish (Level 33)
  • Meditite (Level 33)
  • Swablu (Level 33)
  • Dunsparce (Level 33)
  • Sudowoodo (Level 35)
  • Hitmontop (Level 38)
  • Entei (Level 40)
  • Ledian (Level 43)
  • Suicune (Level 40)
  • Gligar (Level 43)
  • Stantler (Level 43)
  • Piloswine (Level 43)
  • Sneasel (Level 43)
  • Aipom (Level 43)
  • Murkrow (Level 43)
  • Forretress (Level 43)
  • Vibrava (Level 43)
  • Ariados (Level 43)
  • Granbull (Level 43)
  • Raikou (Level 40)
  • Sunflora (Level 45)
  • Delibird (Level 45)
  • Heracross (Level 45)
  • Skarmory (Level 47)
  • Miltank (Level 48)
  • Absol (Level 48)
  • Houndoom (Level 48)
  • Tropius (Level 49)
  • Metagross (Level 50)
  • Tyranitar (Level 55)
  • Smeargle (Level 45)
  • Ursaring (Level 45)
  • Shuckle (Level 45)
  • Togetic (Level 20 )
  • Plusle (Given to player after player saves it from Cypher. Need info.)
  • Ho-Oh (Prize for snagging and purifying all 48 Pokémon, then using a team of Pokémon from the RPG to clear Mt. Battle in Battle Mode from zones one to 100.
    • ID 10048
    • OT:
      • Japan バトルやま
      • America MATTLE
      • France MT BATA
      • Germany DUELLBE
      • Italy MONTE L
      • Spain ERNESTO
Japanese e-card (OT/ID are Colo's trainer's?)
  • Togepi (Level 20, Serene Grace)
  • Mareep (Level 37, Static)
  • Scizor (Level 50, Swarm)

Bonus Disc Pokémon, should they go here? They are technically given to R/S/FR/LG/E, but come with Colosseum.

Colosseum Pikachu? Info on bulbapedia, but unclear on how it's obtained.

Gold Ursaring!

Generation IV

should be well documented compared to the others. may get a few extra links together.