CMS Application - Terraform Infrastructure
1. We should have AWS access key and secret key to run this terraform code( Configure using aws cli manually or set it at ~/.aws/credentials)
2. AWS CLI and Terraform(v12.0.0) installed on your laptop
3. VPC, 2 Subnets,Routing Table, Security Groups,KeyPairs,S3 bucket (tfstate) ,DynamoDB(tfstate lock) created already.
Wordpress is chosen as an example for this demonstration
Clone the repo locally into your system prefarably into XXX direcoty in c drive and make sure you have all pre-requisites setup.
Dev Environment:
terraform init -backend=true -backend-config="bucket=cms-venkat-tfstate" -backend-config="key=cmsdeploy.tfstate"-backend-config="dynamodb_table=cms-tf-lock" --var-file="XXX\env\dev.tfvars"
terraform plan --var-file="XXXX\env\dev.tfvars"
terraform apply --var-file="XXXX\env\dev.tfvars"
Test Environment:
terraform init -backend=true -backend-config="bucket=cms-venkat-tfstate" -backend-config="key=cmstst.tfstate"-backend-config="dynamodb_table=cms-tf-lock" --var-file="XXX\env\tst.tfvars"
terraform plan --var-file="XXXX\env\tst.tfvars"
terraform apply --var-file="XXXX\env\tst.tfvars"
1. RDS Mysql is considered for relational database and this code is defined in modules/rds folder file.
2. The values for the variables defined in the are declared and initialized in modules/rds/ file.
3. The DB endpoint is captured in defined in modules/rds folder.
1.Implemented AWS Autoscaling group to ensure the application is scalable - Scheduled scaling or metric based.
2.Tried to implement Blue-Green Deployment model with basic application health checks from HA/Fault Tolerence perspective.
1. Terraform Modularisation allows us to separate our Terraform files into manageable groups. There are various benefits to this such as to better organised file structure, and the ability to focus Terraform apply to a reduced scope.
2. In this demonstration we can see 3 modules present under modules folder.
Please refer Terraform-Compliance repo for the detailed explanation as i created separate repo for this.