Config files for Minecraft Overviewer (
I run my minecraft servers using docker ( This setup assumes things are running in a docker container on a linux host.
There are two components, the automation script and the overviewer config.
The script is set up with cron in mind as it will check to see if overviewer is still running.
The script,, takes the following command line arguments;
- mode: (required) online|offline Use online to run against a currently running server, offline to render archived or offline maps
- worldname: (required) The name for your world, pick something unique to identify this map
- worldpath: (required)The path to the world to be mapped
- dockercontainername: (required for online use only) The name of the dockercontainer
- rconport for container: (required for online use only) The config will report render progress to players on the server and manage saving while rendering
- mapdir: (required) The output directory you would like your map written to
Online Usage example: ./ online testing /home/minecraft/world minecraft 25575 /home/minecraft/mcmaps/map Offline Usage example: ./ offline testing /home/minecraft/world /home/minecraft/mcmaps/map
4 versions of the overworld with each north direction represented, North Upper Right, North Lower Right, North Lower Left, and North Upper Left
Night, Cave, Nether, and End, however these will have the default North Upper Left orientation.
The following overlays will be generated and presented on the North Upper Left daytime overworld map:
- Biomes
- Minerals
- Slime Blocks
- Overworld Minerals
- Overworld Slime Blocks
- Cave Minerals
- Cave Slime Blocks
- Depth Overlay
- Lit Cave Overlay
- Players
- Spawn
- Player Spawns
- Chests
- Signs
An example can be found here: -------long gone--------