Solutions is constitued by 4 Projects
Smartwyre.API Smartwyre.DeveloperTest Smartwyre.DeveloperTest.Runner Smartwyre.DeveloperTest.Tests
Beforew you run te API:
Before anything, please seed your local database. Open Smartwyre.DeveloperTest.Runner and execute the following commands on your Package manager Console:
add-migrations "v1" update-database
(*)You might need to update your connection string. It's using te default connection ( private const string connectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Smartwyre;Trusted_Connection=True;";)
For the API:
Given an account with balance of 10000m:
Request: { "creditorAccountNumber": "123456", "debtorAccountNumber": "123456", "amount": 2, "paymentDate": "2022-06-09T15:30:30.740Z", "paymentScheme": 0 }
Response: { "errors": [], "statusCode": 200, "value": { "success": true }, "isSuccessful": true }