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OCaml examples for the paper
Kiran Gopinathan edited this page Jun 21, 2022
3 revisions
- Seq to array:
let to_array (l: ('a t[@collection Common.of_list])) =
match l() with
| Nil ->
[| |]
| Cons ((x: 'a), (_tl: 'a t)) ->
let (n : int) = length' l in
let (a : 'a array) = Array.make n x in
let _ = iteri
(fun (i: int) (x: 'a) -> a.(i) <- x)
l in
let to_array (s: ('a t[@collection Common.of_list])) =
let ((len: int), (ls: 'a list))[@rewrite list_fold_length_rev] =
fold (fun ((i: int), (acc: 'a list)) (x: 'a) -> (i + 1, x :: acc)) (0, []) s in
match ls with
| [] -> (* 2 *) [| |]
| (init: 'a)::(rest: 'a list) ->
let (a: 'a array) = Array.make len init in
let (idx: int) = len - 2 in
let _ = List.fold_left (fun (i: int) (x: 'a) -> a.(i) <- x; i - 1) idx rest in
- Seq to array (2)
let to_array (s: ('a t[@collection Common.of_list])) =
let ((len: int), (ls: 'a list))[@rewrite list_fold_length_rev] =
fold (fun ((i: int), (acc: 'a list)) (x: 'a) -> (i + 1, x :: acc)) (0, []) s in
match ls with
| [] -> (* 2 *) [| |]
| (init: 'a)::(rest: 'a list) ->
let (a: 'a array) = Array.make len init in
let (idx: int) = len - 2 in
let _ = List.fold_left (fun (i: int) (x: 'a) -> a.(i) <- x; i - 1) idx rest in
let to_array l =
let len = ref 0 in
let ls = fold_left (fun acc x -> incr len; x :: acc) [] l in
match ls with
| [] -> [||]
| init::rest ->
let a = Array.make !len init in
let idx = !len - 2 in
ignore (List.fold_left (fun i x -> a.(i) <- x; i - 1) idx rest : int);
- RAL of list:
let of_list s =
let l = ref empty in
List.iter (fun x -> l := cons x !l) s;
rev !l
let of_list s =
let l = List.fold_left (fun l x -> cons x l) empty s in
rev l