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An Emacs mode for Verus.


  • Invoking Verus on current file or project (see keybindings), with support for jumping to errors (via compilation-mode).
  • Real-time verification (via flycheck).
  • Syntax highlighting (improved Verus-specific highlighting on top of rustic-mode).
  • Jump-to-definition (via dumb-jump)
  • Unicode math support (via prettify-symbols-mode)
  • Automagic detection of Verus files (via a verus! regex search), to enable the mode.
  • Automatic (configurable) verus-mode.el version checking to remind you to update the mode when a new version is available.

More features are planned.


Keybinding Description
C-c C-c C-c Run Verus on the current file
C-c C-c C-p Run Verus on the current file, with profiling enabled
C-c C-c C-f Run Verus on the current function
C-c C-c C-S-c Run Verus on the current crate
C-c C-n Jump to next (flycheck) error
C-c C-p Jump to previous (flycheck) error

The above keybindings are only active when the current buffer is a Verus file. If a file is not detected as a Verus file, you can manually enable Verus-mode with M-x verus-mode.

The movement commands to jump to previous or next error move across the flycheck highlights (i.e., the underlines/squigglies/... you see in your buffer when you hit save). If you instead prefer to move across the *compilation* buffer that opens when you use any of the "Run Verus on ..." commands, then you can use standard Emacs keybindings M-g n or M-g p for next/previous error respectively.

Extra Arguments Support

To pass extra arguments to Verus, either use C-u before using any of the above "Run Verus" commands, or add a new table to the Cargo.toml for your Verus project to have it automatically picked up:

extra_args = "......"

Real-time verification

Since verus-mode uses flycheck (run upon every save), regular flycheck keybindings work too. For quick reference, some of the particularly useful ones are included here:

Keybinding Description
C-c ! l List all errors in a separate buffer
C-c ! n Jump to next error (verus-mode.el also binds this to C-c C-n)
C-c ! p Jump to previous error (verus-mode.el also binds this to C-c C-p)

Jump to definition

Verus-mode sets up the necessary things to make dumb-jump work. This means, the regular xref keybindings should work. For quick reference, some useful ones are included here:

Keybinding Description
M-. Jump to definition
M-, Jump back

To make sure that jump to definition works properly as well as fast, you need to make sure you have ripgrep installed on your system with PCRE2 support (you can confirm this by running rg --engine pcre2 foo in an empty directory: it'll complain about lack of pcre2 support if you don't have it).

Unicode Math Prettification

Verus-mode displays keywords like forall and exists using mathematical symbols and . If you dislike this behavior, you can disable this by turning off prettify-symbols-mode (use M-x prettify-symbols-mode to toggle this in a single buffer).

If you would like to customize the symbols used for prettification (including adding new ones, or removing specific prettifications that you do not want), you can do so via M-x customize-variable RET verus-symbols-alist RET and use the customization interface (where the keys are the symbol that would be prettified, and the values are the Unicode code points that the respective key would be replaced with).


Your installation steps for using verus-mode.el may vary depending on how your personal Emacs is set up.

If you are using regular vanilla Emacs

Clone this repository and add the following to your ~/.emacs:

; Path to the directory where you've cloned this repository
(add-to-list 'load-path "PATH_TO_VERUS_MODE_DIR")

(require 'verus-mode)

; Path to where you've cloned
(setq verus-home "PATH_TO_VERUS_DIR")

verus-mode.el expects that you already have a working rustic setup and such.

If you are starting entirely from scratch with Emacs, then you may wish to instead just copy this init.el file to ~/.emacs.d/init.el, and start from there, since it will install all the pre-requisites for Verus-mode.el.

If you are using Doom Emacs

Add the following to your ~/.doom.d/packages.el:

(package! verus-mode
  :recipe (:host github :repo "verus-lang/verus-mode.el"))

and the following to your ~/.doom.d/config.el:

(use-package! verus-mode
  ; Path to where you've cloned
  (setq verus-home "PATH_TO_VERUS_DIR")


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or a pull request.


This project is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for details.