Create GraphViz DOT graph with dotnet (compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and higher).
var graph = new DotGraph().WithIdentifier("MyGraph");
var directedGraph = new DotGraph().WithIdentifier("MyDirectedGraph").Directed();
var myNode = new DotNode()
.WithLabel("My node!")
// Add the node to the graph
// Create an edge with identifiers
var myEdge = new DotEdge().From("Node1").To("Node2");
// Or with nodes and attributes
var myEdge = new DotEdge()
.WithLabel("My edge!")
// Add the edge to the graph
// Subgraph identifier need to start with "cluster" to be identified as a cluster
var mySubgraph = new DotSubgraph().WithIdentifier("cluster_0");
// Create a subgraph with attributes (only used for cluster)
var mySubgraph2 = new DotSubgraph()
.WithLabel("My subgraph!");
// Add node, edge, subgraph
// Add subgraph to main graph
await using var writer = new StringWriter();
var context = new CompilationContext(writer, new CompilationOptions());
await graph.CompileAsync(context);
var result = writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
// Save it to a file
File.WriteAllText("", result);