Class Manager is a Student-Teacher Portal where techers and student can sign up and teachers can add students in their class assign task and add note by student.
Class Manager contains more features like:
- Only an admin can create room and classroom
- Only an admin can update the role of a student or a teacher
- Only an admin can add Teacher and student in a class_room
- Teachers can remove a student in a class_room if he makes noices or something else
- Teachers can add or edit their student's marks
- Teachers can also write notice which will be sent to all students in their class.
- Teachers can upload assignments which will be sent to all students in their class and students can download the assignments.
- Students can also submit their assignment but once submitted can't be changed later.
- Teachers can also see all the mark given by them to a student through their marks profile and can edit them if necessary.
- Teachers can see all the messages written by students in Inbox.
- Students can see marks given to them by teachers in marks section.
- Students can see the list of all teachers in the portal and can message any of them.
- Students can see their profile through profile option.
- Students can add profile picture and edit their profile through edit profile.
- Students can also change their password if necessary.
- Rails
- Ruby
- Postgresql
- Devise
- Pundit
- ActiveRecord Serializer
- ActiveRecord Image Uploader
- Cloudinary
- Heroku
Here are the steps to follow in order to get this project on your local computer.
rails v7.0.3 +
ruby v3.1.2 +
clone this repo by typing git clone
install the dependencies by typing bundle install
start the local server by running rails s
run the tests by typing bundle exec rspec
👤 Victor Barh
- GitHub: @Vvic778
- Twitter: @victoirBarh
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.