This app lets a user create a workout (cardio or resistance), and store the details of the workout. It uses a mongo database as part of the back end
Completed the back end for a pre made workout app. We'll be using Node, Express, MongoDB (a nosql database), and Mongoose to aid in our data structuring.
Run NPM init, then npm install to install all the required node modules.
To use the app, either start it locally with nodemon server.js, or navigate to the live heroku site @
Follow the onscreen prompts to add the different workout types. You can also navigate to the dashboard by clicking the "Dashboard" button on the top left of the screen.
![](assets/Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 9.51.20 PM.png)
![](assets/Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 9.51.39 PM.png)