Scan all the possible transmission configurations of LoRa with LoPy hardware. Record PRR (Packet Reception Rate), SNR and received Spreading Factor.
Python3, mycroPython
- 2x LoPy, one will be sender the other receiver
- 2x network connected gateways (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
- LoRa sender and receiver
- controllers: client and server
- the controllers interface with the LoPy HW over serial; this is inspired by AmPy:
- sender and receiver execute one function, run_one_round(configuration)
- this function configures LoRa with: SF, BW, CR, TXPow
- the client controller generates all the configurations, and for each config:
- sends the config via UDP to the server controller
- waits for a defined interval so the receiver is ready
- tells the sender to execute run_one_round
- the server controller waits for the configuration packets, and tells the LoPy to
- first cancel any running execution
- save the current results to Flash, download them locally, delete from Flash
- reboot
- run_one_round with received configuration.
- very little memory available on LoPy, so used separate Arrays instead of lists to save the packet statistics.