reácollection is a piece of software for the creation of objects and products through computational processes. It is a tool for designers to explore the formal and structural properties of different design languages. Due to its generative nature, the software introduces elements of unpredictability. The final objects depends both on the criteria established by the designer and on the algorithm executed by the computer.
Initial version includes 5 collections, look at these files to create your own:
breuer.pde rietveld.pde lack.pder thonet.pde castiglioni.pde jewel.pde vase.pde
Written in Processing, ToxicLibs, Hemesh, ControlP5
Also borrows code from HE_MeshGUI.
-Retained shapes for increased performace (code from: ) -Exports to STL -Automatic generation of catalogs -Mesh subdivision -Volumetric space -Integrated GUI