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Fluent Python Chapter 14读书笔记


An iterable is an object that has an __iter__ method which returns an iterator, or which defines a __getitem__ method that can take sequential indexes starting from zero. So an iterable is an object that you can get an iterator from.


It’s important to be clear about the relationship between iterables and iterators: Python obtains iterators from iterables.

The most accurate way to check whether an object $x$ is iterable is to call iter(x) and handle a TypeError exception if it isn’t.

Is Sentence(hello) iterable? True.

The iter built-in function:

  1. Checks whether the object implements __iter__, and calls that to obtain an iterator.
  2. If __iter__ is not implemented, but __getitem__ is implemented, Python creates an iterator that attemps to fetch items in order, starting from index 0 (zero).
  3. If that fails, Python raises TypeError, usually saying "C object is not iterable", where C is the class if the target object.


An iterator is an object with a __next__ and __iter__ method. 迭代器是定义了__next____iter__方法的对象。

The standard interface for an iterator has two methods:

  • __next__: Returns the next available item, raising StopIteration when there are no more items.
  • __iter__: Returns self; this allows iterators to be used where an iterable is expected, for example, in a for loop.

Since iterators also implement the __iter__ method, they are iterable as well.


The best way to check if an object x is an iterator is to call isinstance(x, abc.Iterator).


!!! note 可迭代对象不能把自己作为迭代器。也就是说,可迭代对象有实现__next__方法。这遵循了[迭代器设计模式](../../Java/Head First设计模式/9 Iterator and Composite如果可迭代对象实现了__next__,它不能满足多次迭代的需要。正确的做法是将可迭代对象和迭代器分离。


And Python function that has the yield keyword in its body is a generator function(生成器函数): a function which called, return a generator(生成器) object. The __iter__ method below is a generator function which, when called, builds a generator object that implements the iterator interface, So the SentenceIterator class is no longer needed. A generator expression(生成器表达式) can be understood as a lazy version of a list comprehension: It does not eagerly build a list, but returns a generator that will lazily produce the items on demand.

<generator object <genexpr> at 0x107a4bb10>