title |
闭包和装饰器 |
A decorator is a callable that takes another function as argument(the decorated function).
In other words, assuming an existing decorator named decorate
and returns it or replaces it with another function or callable object.
def target():
print('running target()')
Has the same effect as writing this:
def target():
print('running target()')
target = decorate(target)
A decorator usually replaces a function with a different one:
running inner()
<function deco.<locals>.inner at 0x105cf09d8>
Decorators are just syntatic sugar(语法糖). The crucial fact about decorators:
- They have power to replace the decorated function with a different one.
- They are executed immediately when a module is loaded.
A key feature of decorators is that they run right after the decorated function is defined. This is usually at import time.
running register(<function f1 at 0x105cf0bf8>)
running register(<function f2 at 0x105cf0d90>)
running main()
registry -> [<function f1 at 0x105cf0bf8>, <function f2 at 0x105cf0d90>]
running f1()
running f2()
running f3()
In the example below, varibable f2(3)
is made, the body of f2
fetches and prints the value of the local variable dis
is disassamber(反汇编程序) of python byte code into mnemonics.
3 0 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (print)
2 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
4 8 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (print)
10 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
5 16 LOAD_CONST 1 (9)
18 STORE_FAST 1 (b)
20 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
10 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
: load local name b
as a global variable in spite of the assignment within the fuction, we use the global
A closure(闭包) is a function that retains the bindings of the free variables that exist when the function is defined, so that they can be used later when the function is invoked and the defining scope is no longer available.
Consider an avg
function is compute the mean of an ever-increasing series of values; for example, the average closing price of a commodity over its entire history. Every day a new price is added, the average is computed taking into account all prices so far.
The example below is a functional implementation, using the higher-order fucntion make_averager
When invoked, make_averager
returns an averager
function object. Each time an averager
is called, it appends the passed argument to the series, and computes the current average:
It’s obvious where the avg
of the Averager
class keeps the history: the self.series
instance attribute. But where does the avg
function in the second example find the series?
Note that series
is a local variable of make_averager
because the initialization series = []
happens in the body of that function. But when avg(10)
is called, make_averager
has already returned, and its local scope is long gone.
Within averager
, series
is a free variable(自由变量): a variable that is not bound in the local scope.
The closure for averager
extends the scope of that function to include the binding for the free variable series
Inspecting the function created by make_averager
, variables in the __code__
attribute represents the compiled body of the function.
('new_value', 'total')
(<cell at 0x105ce5a38: list object at 0x105cee948>,)
[10, 11]
Our previous implementation of make_averager
was not efficient. A better implemtation would just store the total and the number of items so far, and compute the mean from these two numbers.
The problem is that the statement count += 1
actually means the same as count = count + 1
and makes it a local variable.
We did not have this problem in the previous example, because lists are mutable, and we only called series.append
To work around this, the nonlocal
declaration was introduced in Python 3. It lets you flag a variable as a free variable even when it is assigned a new value within the function. If a new value is assigneed to a nonlocal
variable, the binding stored in the closure is changed.
The example below is a decorator that clocks every invocation of the decorated function and prints the elapsed time, the arguments passed, and the result of the call. Using the clock decorator
**************************************** Calling snooze(.123)
[0.12306164s] snooze(0.123) -> None
**************************************** Calling factorial(6)
[0.00000059s] factorial(1) -> 1
[0.00006956s] factorial(2) -> 2
[0.00011655s] factorial(3) -> 6
[0.00015603s] factorial(4) -> 24
[0.00022499s] factorial(5) -> 120
[0.00027834s] factorial(6) -> 720
6! = 720
In the example, clock
gets the factorial
function as its func
argument. It then creates and returns the clocked
function, which the Python interpreter assigns to factorial
behind the scenes. In fact, if you check the __name__
of factorial
, this is what you get:
So factorial
now actually holds a reference to the clocked
This is the typical behavior of a decorator: it replaces the decorated function with a new function that accepts the same arguments and (usually) returns whatever the decorated function was supposed to return, while also doing some extra processing.
The example uses the functools.wraps
decorator to copy the relevant attributes from func
to clocked
. Also, keyword arugments are correctly handled.
Two of the most interesting decorators in the standard library are lru_cache
and the brand-new singledispatch
. Both are defined in the functools
implements memoization: an optimization technique that works by saving the results of previous invocations of an expensive function, avoiding repeat computations on previoysly used arguments.
A good demonstration is to apply lru_cache
to the painfully slow recursive function to generate the $n$th number in the Fibonacci sequence.
[0.00126672s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000119s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00161910s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00000095s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00000095s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00008488s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00016570s] fibonacci(3) -> 2
[0.00186491s] fibonacci(4) -> 3
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00000119s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00005317s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00010490s] fibonacci(3) -> 2
[0.00000095s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00005078s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00000119s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000000s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00005412s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00010490s] fibonacci(3) -> 2
[0.00020719s] fibonacci(4) -> 3
[0.00036478s] fibonacci(5) -> 5
[0.00505400s] fibonacci(6) -> 8
The waste is obvious: fibonacci(1)
is called eight times, fibonacci(2)
five times, etc. But if we just add two lines to use lru_cache
, performance is much improved.
[0.00000095s] fibonacci(0) -> 0
[0.00000215s] fibonacci(1) -> 1
[0.00030684s] fibonacci(2) -> 1
[0.00000215s] fibonacci(3) -> 2
[0.00038600s] fibonacci(4) -> 3
[0.00000215s] fibonacci(5) -> 5
[0.00046492s] fibonacci(6) -> 8