#A basic video wall for Raspberry Pi
This set of scripts helps you to create a synchronized video wall with the help of a farm of Raspberry PIs.
It is based on gstreamer 1.0
since it's using gstreamer1.0-omx
for decoding the video content
I had a lot of troubles with getting this to work on Raspberry PI, as there are some bugs in some of the firmwares and gstreamer versions and distributions. Hence here's a known to work setup:
- Raspbian distro
- Make sure that your firmware is
Linux fox3 3.10.25+ #624 PREEMPT
as some of the newer ones seems to have some sort of bug. Hence run:
sudo rpi-update b42b4d8a038b2d3f13c3c7b4dc9e9cb9307b78ed ```
- Install the
gstreamer 1.0
packages fromhttp://vontaene.de/raspbian-updates
sudo echo "deb http://vontaene.de/raspbian-updates/ . main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gstreamer.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-omx gstreamer1.0-tools \
gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0 gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0
### Configuration
After you have the required packages installed on all the PIs.
#### config variables
* ```type```: ```master``` or ```slave```
* ```bcast_addr```: the [broadcast address](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_address#IP_networking) on which the PIs can communicate to each other.
* ```movie_file```: full path to the audio-video content you want to play on the given PI.
* ```master_port```: the port on which the ```master``` binds ```GstNetTimeProvider``` i.e. the reference clock for the ```slaves```.
The ```pi-wall.conf``` files should be placed under ```/etc/```:
sudo cp config/pi-wall.conf.master_example /etc/pi-wall.conf
#### running
Once all the ```config``` files are set and copied to the right place. simply execute the ```pi-wall.py``` script on all of the PIs:
After couple of seconds the movies will start to play in sync! ENJOY!
#### auto-starting
In order to start the movies automatically even after the PIs are rebooted (power-failure etc.), simply used the provided ```init.d``` script:
sudo cp scripts/pi-wall /etc/init.d/ sudo update-rc.d pi-wall defaults