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Vincent edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 6 revisions

Arguments common to all endpoints

Name Description Value type Required
uri Git URI of the repository Git/HTTP(S) URI true
branch Git branch to start counting into String false
messages Whether to count messages or not boolean (true by default, set to n to disable) false

HTTP status

When counting is successful, 201 is returned. When the response is cached 200 is returned. 102 is returned when another client has made the same request and it is currently being processed.

Other status codes are to be considered errors.


This endpoint returns a JSON object featuring multiple calculated statistics:

Key Description
timeline Commits and the count of swears they introduce/remove
histogram Total usage of each swear
mostUsed Most used swear word
total Current number of swears in the repo
includesMessages The messages query parameter
mainRef The branch query parameter
status The returned HTTP status code

count.png / count.svg

This endpoint returns PNG or SVG images of graphs.

Name Description Value type Required
type Type of graph to generate Graph type true
width Width of the generated image Integer true
height Height of the generated image Integer true

Current graph types are:

  • histogram - a histogram of the final count of each swear words
  • timeline - a timeline showing the total count of swear words in each commit over time
  • timelinecum - a timeline showing the total cumulative count of swear words in each commit over time
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