A fork from gatsby-advanced-starter theme from vagr9k. Check out his excellent theme as a great minimal starter for any gatsby project, as well as notes on what made this a great skeleton theme in the first place
How is this theme any different? A few improvements were made:
- Flattened the components structure so it's easier to modify and customize
- Moved over independent css styles to a sass-folder struct so you can customize styles quickly
- Convert class components to React Hook friendly components
Here's a quick guide through on how this gatsby-advanced starter works:
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
- gatsby-config.js -> this is your plugins, similar to wordpress plugins
- When you run the backend to create
public and .cache
, these plugins are being looked at for generating graphql assets - When you run the frontend to consume it, it's using those same assets from
public and .cache
. It's also bundling a javascript library to frontend (imageResharp -> lazy loading images)
- When you run the backend to create
- gatsby-node.js -> this is the settings to point your data sources,
- also includes graphql setup
- data/siteConfig.js -> backend file configs
gatsby-node.js -> gatsby-config.js (middleware plugins - backend processing, and JS library frontend) -> frontend
- content -> this is where markdown files live
- .cache
- public
- src/
- layout -> entry point
- pages -> localhost:8000/about
- templates -> base styling/html for tags/categories/posts
- components -> dumb reusable react components
- anytime you modify backend files (gatsby-config.js, gatsby-node.js, siteConfig.js) -> you need to clean cache using
$ npm run clean
and then$ npm run dev
- basically the 3 backend files are generating data to
that the frontend references. - basically when you deploy the website, there's no backend running
- If you change frontmatter on
, you need to run$ npm run clean