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Scale POC for Spring batch

ETL application is

  • using Spring Batch to run jobs
  • configured for N jobs
  • deployed in K8 using deployment i.e. stateless
    • VM Arguments and resource allocations cannot be set per replica.

To scale this ETL application, i.e. set replica to more than 1, this application needs

  • to possess X tokens
    • Since it is stateless deployment, all replicas will have token initialized to X
  • Assumption : X >= N
  • During start-up, each instance uses dynamo-db-lock-client to acquire X locks for jobs and initializes fixedDelay scheduler these jobs
  • For this to work, rollingUpdate deployment should be used with maxSurge set to 0. i.e. only when you bring down the existing instance, new instance can acquire some locks


This ETL application does etl processing for various datasets. We aim to scale at dataset level. In spring batch world, these datasets are just jobs.

This deployment should be stateless. so how does the replica know which job(s) that it should be initialized with?

Every instance will attempt to acquire a lock for each job and initializes itself for whatever jobs it was able to acquire the lock for.

What if one particular instance gets hold of all the locks?

We will assign tokens to each instance. If there are 2 tokens per instance, guaranteed the load is distributed.

What if one particular instance gets hold of 2 datasets that are heavy?

Add another dimension to the datasets configured - S/M/L. And define the token at that dimension. So you can configure this ETL application to run 2 S, 1 M and 1L.

What if an instance has too many free tokens and no datasets to take up?

If an instances is configured to run for 2 S, 1 M and 1 L, and was able to only acquire a dataset which is L, as long as there are no more datasets left to pick, it can proceed to run for that single dataset.

What if, collectively tokens are less than the datasets?

Deployment should be configured with sufficient tokens and replicas so that this does not happen. Note that this should be done at dataset size level (refer below). Important to note that the same cpu and memory configuration applies for all replicas.

scaled horizontally

scaled vertically

But How can we prevent that?

Every instance can run a scheduled monitoring job that makes sure that locks for all datasets are held by some instance.

So if every instance is running monitoring job, wouldn't that put too much pressure on our lock table in dynamo?

Not every instance need to run this monitoring job scheduler. You can even configure "monitoring job lock" and make sure only couple of instances are running this check with different schedule. For Example : "Monitoring-job-lock-1" runs every 10 seconds. "Monitoring-job-lock-2" runs every 1 minute.

What if this monitoring job lock couldn't be held or the instances running this job dies?

  • Push a ping to datadog every time this monitoring check happens. If datadog didn't receive a ping in last 5 mins, radar alert can be raised.
  • K8 already ensures that the number of replicas is met. So the only case where dataset locks are sitting idle, is when you do not have enough replicas. Our monitoring will catch that and we can increase the replica to meet the demand.

Is acquiring this lock a one-time thing at the start-up?

No. We continue to renew the locks at each critical checkpoints. This would still handle network partition cases. And with the monitoring jobs, this is even more easy to catch these cases.

All instances are going to share the same postgres. Would it be a bottleneck?

Might be. Do data-growth estimation.

Installing Postgres

Postgres Linux Installation

Set your local postgres working directory - do this in every new terminal window / shell

export TEST_PG_ROOT=/codemill/$USER/postgres

Create postgres working directory if it doesn't exist - this only needs to be done once

mkdir -p $TEST_PG_ROOT

Download Postgres .tar.gz - this only needs to be done once

  • wget -O $TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql.tar.gz
  • tar xzf $TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql.tar.gz

Initialize the database - this only needs to be done once

  • rm -rf $TEST_PG_ROOT/db
  • mkdir -p $TEST_PG_ROOT/db
  • $TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql/bin/initdb $TEST_PG_ROOT/db

Start a local postgres server - this runs postgres in the foreground, can be shut down with ctrl-c and restarted as many times as you'd like

$TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql/bin/postgres -D $TEST_PG_ROOT/db --unix_socket_directories=$TEST_PG_ROOT --wal_level=minimal --archive_mode=off --max_wal_senders=0 --checkpoint_timeout=30 --archive_command=/bin/true --max_wal_size=256MB

Connect via psql - optional to test that your server works. You can also use dbeaver

$TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql/bin/psql --host=$TEST_PG_ROOT -d postgres

Create user and assign password and provide owner permissions to run DDLs via flyway - username & password should match the properties mentioned in

 CREATE DATABASE scale_poc WITH OWNER postgres;
 ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'admin';

Create schema datasync in scale_poc DB

$TEST_PG_ROOT/pgsql/bin/psql -U postgres
\l <to list database>
\c <db_name> 

Postgres windows installation
  • initdb
C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\bin>initdb -D "C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\datadir"
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "vino".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "English_United States.1252".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "WIN1252".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

Data page checksums are disabled.

creating directory C:/Users/vino/Downloads/pgsql/datadir ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... windows
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Asia/Calcutta
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
syncing data to disk ... ok

initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
--auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.

Success. You can now start the database server using:

    pg_ctl -D ^"C^:^\Users^\vino^\Downloads^\pgsql^\datadir^" -l logfile start
  • Start postgres server
C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\bin>pg_ctl -D "C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\datadir" start
  • Use client (or use dbeaver) and give permissions to user "postgres" and assign password too.
C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\bin>psql -d postgres
psql (12.2)
WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
         8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
         page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# CREATE USER postgres SUPERUSER;
postgres=# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'admin';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE scale_poc WITH OWNER postgres;
  • Create schema in scale_poc DB
C:\Users\vino\Downloads\pgsql\bin>psql -U postgres
postgres=# \c scale_poc
You are now connected to database "scale_poc" as user "postgres".
scale_poc=# create schema if not exists datasync;

Connecting to postgres from Dbeaver
  • New -> Dbeaver -> Database Connection -> PostgreSQL
  • Host : localhost
  • Port : 5432
  • Database : scale_poc
  • User : postgres
  • password : admin (select save password locally)


  • If you already have postgres installed, revisit the above steps to create database (scale_poc), schema (datasync), user (postgres) and password (admin) which aligns with

  • You would need table created in Dynamo DB. Override the dynamodb properties at with your own account details

  • To run the app, Just Run the main method at ScalePocApplication

    • token is set to 2 at
    • Total jobs present = 4
    • So you can run this app twice or more to observe the behavior
    • Change the token to 1 or 3 to test for other cases too.

Monitoring story - Pending

Where can things go wrong?

  • Every job configured should have locks possessed by some instance.

  • Note that once the lock is acquired, the heart beat is sent via a background thread. So possessing lock != active jobs. What else should we ensure to say our jobs are healthy?

    • the scheduler thread running per job should be active AND executing jobs IF the jobs are not paused.

Approach :

  • One is self monitoring. i.e. every instance checks that there are job executions in the batch metadata for the jobs it acquired locks for.

    • The "how" part is pretty simple. You know the status - paused/unpaused. If the job is not paused, check the schedule and compare with the last job execution for that job
  • Another is global monitoring - i.e. there is one exclusive job run by one or more instances (which can in turn be configured as a job with a lock assigned - eg: monitoring-1 and monitoring-2 each running at different intervals)

    • This checks that locks for all datasets are possessed by some instance.
    • How? simply by trying to acquiring lock for all jobs one by one. If this monitoring job can acquire lock, it means that it is idle.
    • To do this, we need to ensure that the lock client used by this check is different - i.e. lease duration should be lower and no automatic heart beats.


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