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WFS Search Plugin

Extends search widget using Web Feature Service (WFS)


Property Type State Description
url string required URL of the search service
addressMapping Record<string, string> required Mapping the feature attributes to the VC Map Address Balloon attributes
getFeatureOptions ol.format.WFS.writeGeFeatureOptions required The options passed to writeGetFeature for WFS query
isStoredQuery boolean optional Wether this is a wfs:StoredQuery. Stored query filter expressions are treated as entire Query not just the body of the Query. All attributes of the query tag are copied at runtime (featureType etc)
filterExpression string required The filter expression as a template. Is passed an array of tokens (the result of .match(regEx))
regEx string required The RegEx to use for tokenizing.
minToken number required The minimum number of RegEx groups to find in a given string to search. For instance if requiring both a street and house number, the count would be 2.
projection ProjectionOptions optional The projection of the data. Defaults to WGS84


  "url": "./search-wfs",
  "addressMapping": {
    "city": "ort",
    "street": "strasse",
    "number": "hnr",
    "zip": "plz"
  "getFeatureOptions": {
    "featureNS": "",
    "featurePrefix": "dueren",
    "featureTypes": ["hausnummern"],
    "maxFeatures": 10,
    "geometryName": "geom",
    "srsName": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"
  "filterExpression": "<ogc:Filter xmlns='' xmlns:ogc=\"\"><% if (token[2]) { %><ogc:And>      <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard=\"%\" singleChar=\"_\" escape=\"\\\">        <ogc:PropertyName>dueren:strasse</ogc:PropertyName>        <ogc:Literal><%= token[1] %></ogc:Literal>      </ogc:PropertyIsLike>    <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>      <ogc:PropertyName>dueren:hnr</ogc:PropertyName>      <ogc:Literal><%= token[2] %></ogc:Literal>    </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo></ogc:And><% } else { %>      <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard=\"%\" singleChar=\"_\" escape=\"\\\">        <ogc:PropertyName>dueren:strasse</ogc:PropertyName>        <ogc:Literal><%= token[1] %></ogc:Literal>      </ogc:PropertyIsLike><% } %>    </ogc:Filter>",
  "regEx": "([a-zA-ZßäöüÄÖÜ\\.\\-\\s]+)\\s*([0-9]+\\s*[a-zA-Z]*)?",
  "minToken": 1