A Python implementation of the BM25 ranking function.
There are 4 main modules of the program: parser, query processor, ranking function, and data structures. The parser module parses the query file and the corpus file to produce a list and a dictionary, respectively. The query processor takes each query in the query list and scores the documents based on the terms. The ranking function is an implementation of the BM25 ranking function; it uses the natural logarithm in its calculations. Finally, the data structures module contains an inverted index and a document length table. The inverted index use a dictionary to map each word to a dictionary; this secondary dictionary maps each document id to the word frequency in the outer dictionary. The document length table contains the length of each document, and also has a function to calculate the average document length of the collection.
To run, simply run $ python main.py
in the src folder.
对原版本稍作修改: 1.原版本未考虑一个单词在查询(query)中出现的频次 2.将文集(corpus)格式改为,一行即为一篇文档,文档号为行号(从0开始)