- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Check a String is palindrome or not
- Remove any given character from a String
- Find out longest palindrome in a given string
- Find the first non repeated character of a given String
- Count the occurrence of a given character in a String
- Check if two String are Anagram
- Convert numeric String to int in Java
- Reverse words in a given string
input :Hi I am vishal
output: vishal am I Hi
- Permutations of a given string
input : ABC
- Check if string is rotated by certain number then we get original string
input : 3
output: yes
- Remove Duplicate char from string
Find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass
Check if a given linked list contains a cycle/loop?find the starting node of the cycle and remove the loop
Find Merge point of Two singly linklist
Reverse a linked list with recursion and without recursion
Remove duplicate nodes in an unsorted linked list
Find the 4th node from the end in a singly linked list
Find the sum of two linked lists using Stack
Rotate a Linked List
input: 2 12345 output:34512
Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size
input : 2 1234 output: 2143
Merge two sorted linked lists and final output is sorted
Add two numbers represented by linked lists
input: 1->2 3->4 output: 4>6 (sum of 12 + 34 =46)
Check if Linked List is Palindrome
Implement Queue using Linked List
Implement Stack using Linked List
Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it
Delete without head pointer and printing function is given
input : 5 1234567 output: 123467
Binary tree in preorder with and without recursion
Count a number of leaf nodes in a given binary tree
Perform a binary search in a given array
Find the depth of a binary tree
Find Height of Binary Tree example
Print InOrder ,postorder,preorder traversal of a BT with and without recursion
Check if a Binary tree is a BST or not
Tree is balanced or not
Print Left View of Binary Tree example
Print Bottom View of Binary Tree example
Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order example
Level order traversal in spiral form example
Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST example
Convert a given Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List example
Write Code to Determine if Two Trees are Identical or Not example
Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself example
Maximum Path Sum example
Diameter of a Binary Tree example
Check if given Binary Tree is Height Balanced or Not example
Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree example