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Will use to integrate instomojo apis with ruby. Will support ruby 2.0 or newver, autotags patch


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'instamojo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install instamojo


add following code to config/intializer/instamojo.rb

  Instamojo.configure do |config|
    config.client_id = 'XXXX'
    config.client_secret = 'XXXXXXX'
    config.mode = :test


Sign up method

  options = {
    username: 'xxx', # manadatory
    email: '[email protected]', # manadatory
    password: 'xxxxx233xxx', # manadatory
    phone: 'xxxxxxxxx', # manadatory
    referrer: 'xxxxx'

Generate User Token

   options = {
      username: 'xxx', # manadatory
      password: 'xxxxx233xxx', # manadatory

Update Bank Details

   options = {
    account_holder_name: 'xxx', # manadatory
    account_number: '998799899', # manadatory
    ifsc_code: 'JUUJU9889'

   user_id # manadatory
   api.inrbankaccount(user_id, options)

Create Payment Link

   options = {
     'amount': '2500', # mandatory
     'purpose': 'FIFA 16', # mandatory
     'buyer_name': 'John Doe', # mandatory
     'email': '[email protected]',
     'phone': '9999999999',
     'redirect_url': '',
     'send_email': 'True',
     'send_sms': 'True',
     'webhook': ''
     'allow_repeated_payments': 'False',



         "name":"Get User Token",
         "description":"### Get User Access Token\n\nUse this to get an User access token. You will need it to modify of a user on Instamojo.\n\nThe expiry time for an user access token is `36000` seconds.\n\nA user token will have a refresh token associated with it. So if a user token expires, you can use the refresh token along with your client_id and client_secret to get a new user access token.\n\n##### Field validations\n1. `grant_type`: `client_credentials`\n2. `username`: Mandatory. Username of the user.\n3. `password`: Mandatory. Password of the user.\n4. `client_id`: Mandatory. You Instamojo client_id.\n5. `client_secret`: Mandatory. Your Instamojo client_secret.\n",

         "name":"Update bank details",
         "description":"## Add / Update the Bank Details\n\n\nPayouts will be sent/processed to this bank account.\n\n#### Field validations\n\n1. `account_holder_name` - Mandatory.  Maxlength=100\n2. `account_number` - Mandatory. Maxlength=50, Digits only.\n3. `ifsc_code` - Mandatory, Exact length=11, First 4 alpha, 5th 0, remaining alpha numeric. Ex: `SBIN0123456`",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}}\n",
               "value":"Foo Bar",

         "name":"Update Name and Location of a User",
         "description":"### Update User information\n\n##### Validations\n1. `first_name` - Optional. Maxlength=30\n2. `last_name` - Optional. Maxlength=30\n3. `location` - Optional. Maxlenth=100. Location in text format. Ex: Mumbai, India",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}}\n",

         "name":"Get User Token from Refresh Token",
         "description":"### Get User token from Refresh token\n\nIf you already have a user access token for a specific user, but the token has expired, use this to fetch a fresh access token. \n\nWhen you use this, you wont need the user's credentials again. Send the refresh_token instead. \n\nAlso, note that the `grant_type` in this case is `refresh_token`.\n\n###### Field validations\n1. `grant_type`: `refresh_token`\n2. `refresh_token`: Mandatory. The refresh token.\n3. `client_id`: Mandatory. You Instamojo client_id.\n4. `client_secret`: Mandatory. Your Instamojo client_secret.",

         "description":"### Sign up users\n\n#####Field Validations\n1. `username`: Mandatory. `Maxlength` = `35 chars`.\n2. `password`: Mandatory.\n3. `email`: Mandatory.\n4. `phone`: Mandatory\n4. `referrer`: `shopo`",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{APP_ACCESS_TOKEN}}\n",
               "value":"[email protected]",
         "name":"Get App Token",
         "description":"### Get an app access token\n\nUse this to get an App access token. You will need it to sign up users on Instamojo.\n\nThe expiry time for a app access token is `36000` seconds.\n\nAn app token wont have any refresh token associated to it. So if an app access token expires, you will have to resend this request again. \n\n##### Field validations\n1. `grant_type`: `client_credentials`\n2. `client_id`: Mandatory. You Instamojo client_id.\n3. `client_secret`: Mandatory. Your Instamojo client_secret.",


Payment API

   "name":"RAP V2",
         "name":"RAP details",
         "description":"Get the details of a payment request using the payment_request_id",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}\n",
               "value":"FIFA 16",
         "name":"RAP creation with send_sms",
         "description":"If 'send_sms' field is passed as True then 'phone' field is compulsory.",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}\n",
               "value":"FIFA 16",
         "name":"RAP creation minimal data",
         "description":"Amount and purpose are the only compulsory fields for creating a request payment.",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}\n",
               "value":"FIFA 16",
         "name":"RAP creation with maximal data",
         "description":"This request contains all of the fields that we can pass with a payment request creation.",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}\n",
               "value":"FIFA 16",
               "value":"[email protected]",
               "value":"John Doe",
         "name":"RAP creation with send_email",
         "description":"If 'send_email' field is passed as True then 'email' field is compulsory.",
         "headers":"Authorization: Bearer {{USER_ACCESS_TOKEN}\n",
               "value":"FIFA 16",
               "value":"[email protected]",

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request